1849 (2014)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


1849: A City-Building Odyssey in the Heart of the California Gold Rush


1849 is a captivating city management game that transports players to the heart of the California Gold Rush, a time of both immense peril and boundless opportunity. Inspired by classic games like Caesar III, SimCity 4, and the Civilization series, 1849 brings an immersive simulation experience to the mobile age.


As the mayor of a fledgling frontier town, players are tasked with building a thriving mining empire in 19th century California. This involves attracting settlers, constructing buildings, managing resources, and expanding your territory.

The game features a variety of buildings to construct, each with its own unique function. Residential buildings house your settlers, while commercial buildings generate income. Industrial buildings produce resources, such as lumber and iron, which are essential for construction and upgrades. Public buildings provide services to your settlers, such as healthcare and education.

Resource management is crucial in 1849. Players must carefully balance the production and consumption of resources to ensure the growth and prosperity of their town. Gold is the most important resource, as it can be used to purchase buildings, upgrades, and new settlers. However, gold is also scarce, so players must carefully manage their supply.

As your town grows, you will need to expand your territory. This can be done by purchasing new land or conquering neighboring towns. Expanding your territory gives you access to new resources and settlers, but it also increases the cost of maintaining your empire.


The California Gold Rush was a time of both great opportunity and great peril. In 1849, players will face a variety of challenges, including:

  • Disease: Disease was rampant in the mining camps of the Gold Rush era. Players must build hospitals and clinics to keep their settlers healthy.
  • Crime: Crime was also a major problem in the Gold Rush era. Players must build jails and courthouses to keep their town safe.
  • Fire: Fires were a common occurrence in the wooden buildings of the Gold Rush era. Players must build fire stations to protect their town from destruction.
  • Natural disasters: Natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods, could also strike your town. Players must be prepared to rebuild and recover from these disasters.

Graphics and Sound

1849 features beautiful 3D graphics that bring the California Gold Rush to life. The game’s soundtrack is also excellent, with a mix of traditional and modern Western music.


1849 has a high degree of replayability. With its randomly generated maps and multiple difficulty levels, the game offers a unique experience every time you play.


1849 is a captivating city management game that immerses players in the heart of the California Gold Rush. With its challenging gameplay, beautiful graphics, and excellent soundtrack, 1849 is a must-play for fans of city-building games and history buffs alike.

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