Abu Simbel Profanation (1986)

by Nish
5 minutes read


Abu Simbel Profanation: A Journey Through Ancient Egypt with a Cursed Hero

Released in 1986, Abu Simbel Profanation is a unique and challenging platformer that takes players on an adventure through ancient Egypt. The game follows the story of Johny Jones, a man who has been cursed by the wrath of Abu Simbel, an ancient Egyptian god. As a result of the curse, Johny has been transformed into a strange creature with an enormous nose, and the only way to break the curse is to travel to the tomb of Abu Simbel and retrieve a sacred relic.


Abu Simbel Profanation is a side-scrolling platformer in which the player controls Johny Jones as he jumps and runs through a series of levels, avoiding traps and enemies. Johny can perform both short and long jumps, and he can also climb ladders and ropes. The game’s levels are filled with a variety of hazards, including spikes, pits, and enemies that shoot projectiles. Johny must use his agility and skill to navigate these hazards and reach the end of each level.

One of the unique features of Abu Simbel Profanation is its curse system. As Johny progresses through the game, the curse of Abu Simbel gradually takes hold of him, causing his body to deteriorate and his nose to grow even larger. This makes it increasingly difficult for Johny to move and jump, and it also makes him more vulnerable to enemy attacks.


The story of Abu Simbel Profanation is told through a series of cutscenes that play between levels. The game begins with Johny Jones being cursed by the wrath of Abu Simbel, an ancient Egyptian god. As a result of the curse, Johny is transformed into a strange creature with an enormous nose. The only way to break the curse is to travel to the tomb of Abu Simbel and retrieve a sacred relic.

Johny’s journey takes him through a variety of ancient Egyptian locations, including pyramids, temples, and deserts. Along the way, he encounters a cast of characters, including friendly villagers, treacherous enemies, and even the gods themselves. Johny must use his wit and courage to overcome these challenges and reach the tomb of Abu Simbel.

Graphics and Sound

Abu Simbel Profanation’s graphics are simple but effective. The game’s levels are colorful and detailed, and the character sprites are well-animated. The game’s soundtrack is also well-composed, and it helps to create a sense of atmosphere and immersion.


Abu Simbel Profanation was released to mixed reviews upon its initial release. Some critics praised the game’s unique gameplay and challenging difficulty, while others criticized its repetitive level design and lack of innovation. However, the game has since gained a cult following among retro gamers, and it is considered to be a classic of the platformer genre.


Abu Simbel Profanation has had a lasting impact on the video game industry. The game’s unique curse system has been imitated in a number of other games, and its challenging difficulty has inspired a generation of gamers. The game is also notable for its unique and memorable protagonist, Johny Jones, who has become a cult icon among retro gamers.


Abu Simbel Profanation is a challenging and unique platformer that takes players on an adventure through ancient Egypt. The game’s innovative gameplay, memorable protagonist, and challenging difficulty have made it a classic of the genre. If you’re a fan of platformers, or if you’re just looking for a unique and challenging game to play, then I highly recommend checking out Abu Simbel Profanation.

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