Alien Destroyer (1984)

by Christopher
4 minutes read


Alien Destroyer (1984)

Alien Destroyer is a Galaga clone for the ZX Spectrum, released in 1984. It was developed by Incentive Software and published by Sinclair Research. The game is a vertically scrolling shoot-em-up in which the player controls a spaceship that must destroy waves of aliens.


The player controls a spaceship that is positioned at the bottom of the screen. The spaceship can move left and right, and can fire shots upwards. The player must destroy all of the aliens on the screen in order to progress to the next level.

The aliens are divided into four different types:

  • Grunts: These are the most common type of alien. They are slow and easy to destroy.
  • Fliers: These aliens can fly around the screen, making them more difficult to hit.
  • Bombers: These aliens drop bombs that can damage the player’s spaceship.
  • Motherships: These aliens are large and difficult to destroy. They can also fire shots at the player’s spaceship.

The player’s spaceship can be destroyed by being hit by an alien’s shot or by colliding with an alien. The player has three lives, and if they lose all of their lives, the game is over.


There are a number of power-ups that can help the player to defeat the aliens. These power-ups include:

  • Speed: This power-up increases the speed of the player’s spaceship.
  • Rapid fire: This power-up allows the player’s spaceship to fire shots more quickly.
  • Spread shot: This power-up allows the player’s spaceship to fire shots that spread out in a wider area.
  • Shield: This power-up gives the player’s spaceship a shield that protects it from being damaged by alien shots.


There are a total of 32 levels in Alien Destroyer. Each level is more difficult than the last, and the player must defeat all of the aliens on each level in order to progress to the next level.


Alien Destroyer was well-received by critics upon its release. It was praised for its addictive gameplay, its challenging difficulty, and its impressive graphics. The game was also a commercial success, selling over 100,000 copies.


Alien Destroyer is considered to be one of the best Galaga clones ever released. It is still enjoyed by retro gamers today, and it is available for download on a number of websites.

Tips for playing Alien Destroyer

Here are a few tips for playing Alien Destroyer:

  • Use the power-ups to your advantage. The power-ups can give you a significant advantage over the aliens, so be sure to use them wisely.
  • Don’t be afraid to use your bombs. Bombs can be very effective at destroying large groups of aliens.
  • Be patient. Alien Destroyer is a challenging game, but it is also very rewarding. If you take your time and learn the patterns of the aliens, you will eventually be able to defeat them all.


Alien Destroyer is a classic shoot-em-up that is still enjoyed by retro gamers today. It is a challenging and addictive game that will provide hours of entertainment. If you are a fan of Galaga or other shoot-em-ups, then you should definitely check out Alien Destroyer.

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