Alien Logic (1994)

by Ji-yeong
4 minutes read


Alien Logic: A Journey into the Heart of Isho Magic

Released in 1994, Alien Logic is an action role-playing game that takes place on the planet Jorune, a world where humans and various indigenous races coexist in uneasy peace. The game follows the story of a lone human hero who must master the magical art of Isho to confront an ancient evil threatening to destroy the planet.

A Unique Blend of Exploration and Action

Alien Logic stands out from other RPGs of its time with its unique blend of exploration and action gameplay. The player controls a single character and embarks on a journey across the vast world of Jorune, exploring diverse environments, interacting with NPCs, and engaging in real-time combat with enemies.

The exploration mode utilizes a side-scrolling perspective, allowing the player to traverse the world and discover hidden areas, treasures, and secrets. When an enemy is encountered, the game seamlessly transitions into combat mode, where the player engages in fast-paced action combat using a variety of melee and magical attacks.

The Power of Isho: A Magical Combat System

Isho magic is the cornerstone of combat in Alien Logic. The player can cast a wide range of spells, each with its own unique effects and properties. Spells are organized into sequences called dyshas, which can be offensive, defensive, or supportive in nature.

Preparing dysha combinations beforehand and then using them in combat is essential for success. The player must strategically select the right spells for each situation, considering the enemy’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the player’s own mana reserves.

A Deep and Engaging Story

While Alien Logic offers plenty of exploration and combat, it also features a compelling story that unfolds as the player progresses through the game. The hero’s journey is driven by the need to rescue his friends and uncover the source of the evil that threatens Jorune.

Along the way, the player interacts with a cast of memorable characters, each with their own motivations and backstories. The story delves into themes of good versus evil, the power of friendship, and the importance of facing one’s fears.

A Timeless Classic of the RPG Genre

Alien Logic has garnered critical acclaim for its innovative gameplay, immersive world, and engaging story. It has been praised for its blend of action and exploration, its unique Isho magic system, and its memorable characters.

Despite its age, Alien Logic remains a timeless classic of the RPG genre. Its captivating world, challenging combat, and compelling story continue to attract and entertain gamers to this day.

Additional Features:

  • Gorgeous pixel art graphics: Alien Logic’s vibrant and detailed pixel art visuals bring the world of Jorune to life.
  • Non-linear gameplay: The player is free to explore the world of Jorune at their own pace, choosing which areas to visit and which quests to undertake.
  • Character customization: The player can customize their hero’s appearance and stats, allowing for a personalized gaming experience.
  • Replayability: With its non-linear gameplay and multiple endings, Alien Logic offers high replayability value, encouraging players to explore different paths and make different choices.


Alien Logic is a must-play for fans of action RPGs and classic gaming. Its unique blend of exploration, action, and storytelling makes it a timeless gem that continues to captivate gamers decades after its release. Whether you’re a seasoned RPG veteran or a newcomer to the genre, Alien Logic is an unforgettable experience that will leave a lasting impression.

Review Score


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