Alien World (1992)

by Christopher
4 minutes read


Alien World (1992)


Alien World is a scrolling shoot-em-up released in 1992 for the Commodore 64. It was developed by Team17 and published by Psygnosis. The game is set in a strange and alien world where the player controls Kai, a young man who must rescue his sweetheart Medb from the evil Slough Feg.


Alien World is a side-scrolling shoot-em-up in which the player controls Kai as he travels through a variety of levels, shooting enemies and collecting power-ups. The game features both horizontal and vertical scrolling levels, and the player can only move forward, not backward.

Kai has three lives, and he loses a life when he is hit by an enemy or projectile. He can regain lives by collecting 1-ups. Kai can also collect power-ups to increase his firepower and speed.

The game features a variety of enemies, including flying saucers, robots, and aliens. Each enemy has its own unique attack pattern, and the player must learn how to defeat each type of enemy.

Graphics and Sound

Alien World features colorful and detailed graphics for its time. The game’s backgrounds are full of parallax scrolling, and the sprites are large and well-animated. The game’s soundtrack is also excellent, and it helps to create a sense of atmosphere and excitement.


The story of Alien World is simple but effective. Kai’s sweetheart Medb has been kidnapped by the evil Slough Feg, and Kai must travel through a variety of alien worlds to rescue her. Along the way, Kai will encounter a variety of enemies and challenges, but he must never give up hope of rescuing Medb.


Alien World was a critical and commercial success. The game was praised for its graphics, gameplay, and music. It was also a commercial success, selling over 100,000 copies worldwide.


Alien World is considered to be one of the best shoot-em-ups ever released on the Commodore 64. The game’s graphics, gameplay, and music are all top-notch, and it has a simple but effective story. Alien World is a must-play for fans of shoot-em-ups and Commodore 64 games.

Tips for Playing Alien World

  • Learn the attack patterns of each enemy type.
  • Use cover to avoid enemy fire.
  • Collect power-ups to increase your firepower and speed.
  • Don’t be afraid to use your special weapons.
  • Practice makes perfect!


Alien World is a classic shoot-em-up that is still fun to play today. The game’s graphics, gameplay, and music are all top-notch, and it has a simple but effective story. Alien World is a must-play for fans of shoot-em-ups and Commodore 64 games.

Review Score



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