Arcy 2 (1994)

by Nish
4 minutes read


  • Release Year: 1994
  • Platforms:

Arcy 2: A Challenging and Addictive Puzzle Game

Released in 1994, Arcy 2 is a VGA puzzle game that will challenge your wits and keep you entertained for hours on end. The game is played from a top-down perspective, and you control a smiley face character who must collect all of the keys in a level before you can leave.

Each level is a maze-like environment filled with enemies that move in specific patterns. Some enemies will only move if you cross their path, some will kill you instantly, some move in straight lines and only turn left or right, and some will try to trap you.

To avoid the enemies, you must use your wits and the environment to your advantage. Rocks can be used to interpose something between yourself and your enemies, and sometimes must be used to destroy walls or barriers.

The game is divided into three volumes, with only the first volume playable in the shareware version. Each volume contains 20 levels, for a total of 60 levels in the full game.


The goal of each level in Arcy 2 is to collect all of the keys and then reach the exit. To do this, you must avoid the enemies and use the environment to your advantage.

Rocks can be used to block the path of enemies, or to destroy walls and barriers. You can also use rocks to create a safe path for yourself to reach the exit.

Some levels also contain switches that can be used to open doors or activate other mechanisms. To activate a switch, simply walk over it.


There are a variety of different enemies in Arcy 2, each with their own unique movement patterns. Some of the most common enemies include:

  • Walkers: These enemies will move in a straight line until they hit a wall or another object. They will then turn and move in the opposite direction.
  • Chasers: These enemies will chase you down if you get too close. They are faster than walkers, so it is important to avoid them if possible.
  • Trappers: These enemies will try to trap you by moving in a circle around you. If you get trapped, you will be killed.
  • Instant killers: These enemies will kill you instantly if you touch them. They are usually found in areas that are difficult to avoid, so it is important to be careful when moving around.

Tips for playing Arcy 2

Here are a few tips to help you play Arcy 2:

  • Be patient. Arcy 2 is a challenging game, and it may take some time to complete each level. Don’t get discouraged if you get stuck, just keep trying and you will eventually figure out how to solve the puzzle.
  • Use your environment to your advantage. Rocks can be used to block the path of enemies, or to destroy walls and barriers. You can also use rocks to create a safe path for yourself to reach the exit.
  • Be careful of the enemies. Each enemy has its own unique movement pattern, so it is important to learn how each enemy moves in order to avoid them.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. There is no one right way to solve a level in Arcy 2. Experiment with different strategies until you find one that works for you.


Arcy 2 is a challenging and addictive puzzle game that will provide hours of entertainment. The game’s simple graphics and gameplay belie a deep and rewarding experience that will challenge your wits and keep you coming back for more.

If you are a fan of puzzle games, then I highly recommend checking out Arcy 2. You won’t be disappointed.

Review Score


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