Astray (2015)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Astray: A Haunting Journey Through the Uncanny

Astray is a first-person horror/puzzle game that takes players on a chilling journey through an abandoned museum filled with strange artifacts and dark secrets. Playing as the nephew of the museum’s missing curator, players must explore the eerie building, interact with objects, and solve puzzles in order to unravel the mystery of what lies beneath the surface.

Developed by the independent studio Polygon Treehouse, Astray was released in 2015 and has since gained a cult following among fans of horror and puzzle games. The game’s unique atmosphere, challenging puzzles, and unsettling story have earned it critical acclaim, with many reviewers praising it as one of the most original and terrifying horror games in recent years.


Astray is played from a first-person perspective, and players control the protagonist as he explores the abandoned museum. The game’s environment is highly detailed and immersive, and players will feel like they are truly lost in a strange and hostile place.

As players explore the museum, they will come across a variety of objects that they can interact with. These objects can provide clues about the missing curator, the history of the museum, and the dark secrets that lie beneath the surface. Players will also need to solve puzzles in order to progress through the game. These puzzles are often challenging, but they are also fair and logical.


The story of Astray is told through a series of flashbacks and journal entries. Players will learn about the missing curator, his work at the museum, and the strange events that led to his disappearance. The game’s story is full of twists and turns, and players will be kept guessing until the very end.


One of the most striking things about Astray is its atmosphere. The game’s abandoned museum setting is both beautiful and terrifying, and players will feel a constant sense of dread as they explore. The game’s sound design is also top-notch, and the eerie sound effects and music will keep players on edge throughout their journey.


The puzzles in Astray are challenging, but they are also fair and logical. Players will need to use their wits and observation skills in order to solve them. The puzzles are also well-integrated into the game’s story, and they help to create a sense of tension and suspense.


The characters in Astray are well-developed and believable. Players will feel a connection to the missing curator and his nephew, and they will be invested in their quest to uncover the truth. The game’s other characters are also well-written, and they add depth and complexity to the story.


Astray is a must-play for fans of horror and puzzle games. The game’s unique atmosphere, challenging puzzles, and unsettling story will keep players on the edge of their seat from beginning to end. Astray is a truly unforgettable experience, and it is sure to stay with players long after they finish playing.

Score: 9/10

Review Score



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