Bad Mojo: Redux (2004)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Bad Mojo Redux: A Disturbingly Surreal Adventure

Released in 2004, Bad Mojo Redux is a remastered version of the 1996 point-and-click adventure game Bad Mojo. The game follows the bizarre and disturbing journey of a man who is transformed into a cockroach and must navigate a perilous world to escape.

A Dark and Surreal Setting

Bad Mojo Redux is set in the dark and seedy Eddie’s Bar in San Francisco. The game’s atmosphere is thick with tension and unease, and the player is constantly on edge as they explore the bar’s dilapidated interior. The game’s visuals are rendered in stunning hi-resolution detail, and the use of live-action video and spine-tingling music creates a truly immersive experience.


The gameplay in Bad Mojo Redux is a mix of point-and-click adventure and puzzle-solving. The player controls the cockroach protagonist as he crawls through the bar, interacting with objects and solving puzzles in order to progress. The puzzles are often challenging, and require the player to think outside the box.

A Disturbing Story

The story of Bad Mojo Redux is one of the game’s strongest points. The game’s narrative is dark and disturbing, and it explores themes of transformation, identity, and the nature of reality. The player is constantly questioning what is real and what is not, and the game’s ending is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Critical Reception

Bad Mojo Redux received critical acclaim upon its release. The game was praised for its innovative gameplay, stunning visuals, and disturbing story. The game was nominated for several awards, including Adventure Game of the Year from GameSpot and Best Adventure Game from IGN.


Bad Mojo Redux is considered to be one of the greatest adventure games of all time. The game’s unique setting, challenging puzzles, and disturbing story have made it a cult classic among gamers. The game has been re-released several times, and it continues to be enjoyed by new players today.


Bad Mojo Redux is a truly unique and unforgettable experience. The game’s dark and disturbing atmosphere, challenging puzzles, and thought-provoking story will stay with you long after you finish playing. If you’re looking for an adventure game that will challenge your mind and stay with you long after you finish playing, then Bad Mojo Redux is the game for you.

Additional Information

  • Developer: Mojo Bones
  • Publisher: Adventure Soft
  • Release Date: 2004
  • Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux
  • Genre: Adventure, Puzzle
  • ESRB Rating: Mature

Tips for Playing Bad Mojo Redux

  • Take your time: The puzzles in Bad Mojo Redux can be challenging, so don’t be afraid to take your time and explore your surroundings.
  • Pay attention to the details: The game’s environment is full of clues, so be sure to pay attention to everything you see.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment: There is often more than one way to solve a puzzle, so don’t be afraid to try different things.
  • Save often: The game can be unforgiving, so be sure to save your progress often.


  • Complete the game: This is the most basic achievement, but it’s still a satisfying one.
  • Find all of the hidden items: There are a number of hidden items scattered throughout the game. Finding all of them is a great way to add to your playtime.
  • Solve all of the puzzles: The puzzles in Bad Mojo Redux can be challenging, but solving them all is a great way to show off your skills.
  • Get the best ending: There are multiple endings in Bad Mojo Redux. Getting the best ending is a great way to finish the game on a high note.

Review Score



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