Batman: Arkham Knight – Crime Fighter Challenge Pack 3 (2015)

by Nish
7 minutes read


Batman: Arkham Knight – Crime Fighter Challenge Pack 3: A Deeper Dive into Gotham’s Combat and Stealth

Released in 2015, the Crime Fighter Challenge Pack 3 for Batman: Arkham Knight is an expansive DLC pack that offers a variety of new combat and predator maps for players to test their skills. With a focus on Freeflow Combat and Invisible Predator stealth incursion, this challenge pack is perfect for players looking to hone their skills and become even more proficient in the game’s combat and stealth mechanics.

New Combat Maps

The Crime Fighter Challenge Pack 3 includes six new combat maps, each designed to test players’ skills in different ways. The maps are set in a variety of locations, from the rooftops of Gotham City to the depths of the Batcave.

  • Gotham City Rooftop: This map is a large, open area with plenty of room to maneuver. Players will face off against waves of enemies, including armed thugs, ninjas, and even some of Batman’s most iconic villains.
  • Batcave Training Room: This map is a more confined space, but it is still packed with enemies. Players will need to use their stealth and combat skills to take down their opponents without being detected.
  • Iceberg Lounge: This map is set in the opulent Iceberg Lounge, the headquarters of Oswald Cobblepot, also known as the Penguin. Players will need to use their stealth skills to avoid detection, as well as their combat skills to take down Penguin’s goons.
  • Stagg Industries: This map is set in the massive Stagg Industries complex. Players will need to use their combat skills to fight their way through waves of enemies, as well as their stealth skills to avoid detection.
  • Panessa Studios: This map is set in the grand Panessa Studios, a movie studio owned by the enigmatic Carmine Falcone. Players will need to use their stealth skills to avoid detection, as well as their combat skills to take down Falcone’s goons.
  • Wayne Tower: This map is set in the iconic Wayne Tower, the headquarters of Bruce Wayne’s company, Wayne Enterprises. Players will need to use their combat skills to fight their way through waves of enemies, as well as their stealth skills to avoid detection.

New Predator Maps

The Crime Fighter Challenge Pack 3 also includes six new predator maps, each designed to test players’ stealth skills in different ways. The maps are set in a variety of locations, from the rooftops of Gotham City to the depths of the Batcave.

  • Gotham City Rooftop: This map is a large, open area with plenty of hiding spots. Players will need to use their stealth skills to take down their opponents without being detected.
  • Batcave Training Room: This map is a more confined space, but it is still packed with hiding spots. Players will need to use their stealth skills to take down their opponents without being detected.
  • Iceberg Lounge: This map is set in the opulent Iceberg Lounge, the headquarters of Oswald Cobblepot, also known as the Penguin. Players will need to use their stealth skills to avoid detection, as well as their combat skills to take down Penguin’s goons.
  • Stagg Industries: This map is set in the massive Stagg Industries complex. Players will need to use their stealth skills to avoid detection, as well as their combat skills to take down Penguin’s goons.
  • Panessa Studios: This map is set in the grand Panessa Studios, a movie studio owned by the enigmatic Carmine Falcone. Players will need to use their stealth skills to avoid detection, as well as their combat skills to take down Falcone’s goons.
  • Wayne Tower: This map is set in the iconic Wayne Tower, the headquarters of Bruce Wayne’s company, Wayne Enterprises. Players will need to use their stealth skills to avoid detection, as well as their combat skills to take down Penguin’s goons.

Character-Specific Challenges

In addition to the new maps, the Crime Fighter Challenge Pack 3 also includes a variety of character-specific challenges. These challenges are designed to test players’ skills with each of the four playable characters: Batman, Nightwing, Robin, and the Batmobile.

  • Batman: Batman’s challenges focus on his combat skills. Players will need to use a variety of combat techniques to take down waves of enemies, including armed thugs, ninjas, and even some of Batman’s most iconic villains.
  • Nightwing: Nightwing’s challenges focus on his stealth skills. Players will need to use a variety of stealth techniques to avoid detection, as well as his combat skills to take down enemies without being seen.
  • Robin: Robin’s challenges focus on his agility and gadgets. Players will need to use a variety of gadgets and techniques to take down enemies, including his grappling hook, his smoke bombs, and his escrima sticks.
  • Batmobile: The Batmobile challenges focus on the Batmobile’s combat capabilities. Players will need to use a variety of weapons and techniques to take down waves of enemy vehicles, including tanks, drones, and helicopters.


The Crime Fighter Challenge Pack 3 is a great addition to Batman: Arkham Knight. The new maps and character-specific challenges offer a variety of ways for players to test their skills and become even more proficient in the game’s combat and stealth mechanics. Whether you’re a new player looking to improve your skills or a seasoned veteran looking for a new challenge, the Crime Fighter Challenge Pack 3 is definitely worth checking out.

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