Binary Land (1984)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Binary Land (1984)

Binary Land is a puzzle video game developed by Hudson Soft in 1983 for the MSX, FM-7, NEC PC-6001, NEC PC-8801, and in 1985 for the Famicom. The MSX version saw release in Japan by Kuma Computers Ltd in 1984.

The player controls a robot named Binary Kid who must traverse a series of binary-themed worlds, collecting keys and avoiding enemies. The game is played from a top-down perspective, and the player can move Binary Kid in four directions.

There are a total of 99 levels in Binary Land, and each level is progressively more difficult than the last. The levels are divided into four worlds, each with its own unique theme. The first world is a forest, the second world is a desert, the third world is an ice world, and the fourth world is a factory.

To complete a level, Binary Kid must collect all of the keys and reach the exit. The keys are located in different parts of the level, and some of them are hidden. Binary Kid can also collect power-ups that give him special abilities, such as the ability to shoot lasers or to move faster.

Binary Land is a challenging and addictive puzzle game that will test your logic skills. With 99 levels to complete, there’s plenty of content to keep you entertained.


Binary Land is played from a top-down perspective, and the player controls Binary Kid with a joystick or keyboard. Binary Kid can move in four directions: up, down, left, and right.

The goal of each level is to collect all of the keys and reach the exit. The keys are located in different parts of the level, and some of them are hidden. Binary Kid can also collect power-ups that give him special abilities, such as the ability to shoot lasers or to move faster.

There are a variety of enemies in Binary Land, including robots, ghosts, and aliens. Binary Kid can defeat enemies by shooting them with his laser or by running into them.


There are a total of 99 levels in Binary Land, and each level is progressively more difficult than the last. The levels are divided into four worlds, each with its own unique theme. The first world is a forest, the second world is a desert, the third world is an ice world, and the fourth world is a factory.

The levels in Binary Land are all very well-designed, and they offer a variety of challenges. Some levels are simple mazes, while others are more complex puzzles. There are also some levels that require the player to use the game’s power-ups in order to progress.

Graphics and Sound

The graphics in Binary Land are simple but effective. The game’s world is rendered in a black and white color scheme, and the characters and objects are all very distinct. The game’s music is also very good, and it helps to create a sense of atmosphere.


Binary Land is a classic puzzle game that has been enjoyed by gamers for over 30 years. The game’s simple but addictive gameplay has made it a favorite of both casual and hardcore gamers alike. Binary Land has also been praised for its innovative use of binary code in its level design.

Binary Land has been ported to a variety of platforms over the years, including the PlayStation, the Game Boy Advance, and the Nintendo Switch. The game has also been included in several retro game compilations.


Binary Land is a challenging and addictive puzzle game that will test your logic skills. With 99 levels to complete, there’s plenty of content to keep you entertained. The game’s simple but effective graphics and sound design also help to create a sense of atmosphere.

If you’re a fan of puzzle games, then you owe it to yourself to check out Binary Land. It’s a classic game that has stood the test of time.

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