Blasteroids (1987)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Blasteroids (1987): A Retro Shmup Classic

Blasteroids is a vertically scrolling shoot ’em up arcade game developed and released by Atari Games in 1987. The player controls a spaceship viewed from “above” in a 2D representation of space, by rotating the ship and using thrust to give the ship momentum. To slow down or completely stop moving, the player has to rotate the ship to face the direction it came from and generate the right amount of thrust to nullify its momentum. The ship has a limited amount of fuel to generate thrust with. This fuel comes in the form of “Energy” that is also used for the ship’s Shields which protect it against collisions and enemy fire. Once all Energy is gone, the player’s ship is destroyed. The ship can shoot to destroy asteroids and enemy ships. The ship can also be transformed at will into 3 different versions, namely the “Speeder”, the fastest version, the “Fighter”, which has the most firepower, and the “Warrior”, which has extra armor.

Blasteroids was a critical and commercial success upon release, and it is still considered one of the best shmups of all time. It was praised for its fast-paced action, challenging gameplay, and iconic visuals. Blasteroids has been ported to a variety of home platforms over the years, and it remains a popular game among retro gaming enthusiasts.


The objective of Blasteroids is to destroy all of the asteroids and enemy ships on each level while avoiding being hit by enemy fire or colliding with asteroids. The player’s ship is equipped with a variety of weapons to help them complete this task, including a forward-firing laser, a spread shot, and a homing missile. The player can also collect power-ups to upgrade their ship’s weapons and shields.

There are a total of 100 levels in Blasteroids, each with its own unique layout and challenges. The levels become increasingly difficult as the player progresses, and the later levels feature more powerful enemies and obstacles.

Graphics and Sound

Blasteroids features colorful and detailed graphics that were cutting-edge for its time. The game’s backgrounds are filled with vibrant nebulas and starfields, and the enemy ships and asteroids are all rendered in great detail. The game’s soundtrack is also excellent, and it features a variety of catchy tunes that add to the game’s overall atmosphere.


Blasteroids is considered one of the most influential shmups of all time. It helped to popularize the genre and set the standard for future shmups. The game has been praised for its fast-paced action, challenging gameplay, and iconic visuals. Blasteroids has been ported to a variety of home platforms over the years, and it remains a popular game among retro gaming enthusiasts.


Blasteroids is a classic shmup that still holds up today. With its fast-paced action, challenging gameplay, and iconic visuals, it’s a must-play for any fan of the genre. If you’re looking for a great retro game to play, then I highly recommend checking out Blasteroids.

Tips for Playing Blasteroids

  • Use the different ship transformations to your advantage. The Speeder is the fastest ship, so it’s great for dodging enemy fire and getting around the level quickly. The Fighter has the most firepower, so it’s great for taking down large groups of enemies. The Warrior has the most armor, so it’s great for taking on bosses and other tough enemies.
  • Collect power-ups to upgrade your ship’s weapons and shields. Power-ups can be found throughout the levels, and they can give you a significant advantage in battle.
  • Be careful not to run out of Energy. Energy is used to power your ship’s thrusters and shields, and if you run out of Energy, your ship will be destroyed.
  • Learn the patterns of the enemy ships and asteroids. This will help you to avoid being hit and to take down your enemies more efficiently.
  • Practice makes perfect. The best way to get good at Blasteroids is to practice. The more you play, the better you will become at dodging enemy fire, taking down enemies, and completing the levels.

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