Chichen Itza (1992)

by Nish
5 minutes read


Chichen Itza (1992): A Journey Through Time and Adventure


Chichen Itza is a text adventure game developed by Aventuras AD and released in 1992. It is the final game in the Spanish language Ci-U-Than trilogy, which also includes La Aventura Original (1989) and La Aventura Espacial (1991). Chichen Itza is notable for its well-written story, challenging puzzles, and beautiful prose. It is considered one of the best text adventure games ever made.


The player takes on the role of an unnamed adventurer who travels to the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza in search of a lost treasure. The city is full of danger, including wild animals, treacherous traps, and hostile natives. The player must use their wits and courage to overcome these obstacles and find the treasure.


Chichen Itza is a text adventure game, which means that the player interacts with the game world by typing commands. The player can explore the city, talk to its inhabitants, and solve puzzles. The game world is described in detail, and the player can feel like they are actually there.

The puzzles in Chichen Itza are challenging but fair. The player must use their logic and problem-solving skills to figure out how to progress. The game also features some action sequences, which add to the excitement.


Chichen Itza is set in the ancient Mayan city of the same name. The city is full of beautiful temples, pyramids, and other structures. The player can explore the city and learn about its history and culture.

The game’s setting is well-realized and immersive. The player can feel like they are actually there in the Mayan city. The game’s atmosphere is also excellent, and the player can feel the sense of danger and excitement that comes with exploring a lost world.


The player character in Chichen Itza is an unnamed adventurer. The player can choose the gender of their character, and they can also choose their character’s appearance.

The player character is a well-developed and relatable character. The player can feel like they are actually in the game world, and they can make choices that affect the story.

The player character meets a variety of other characters in Chichen Itza. These characters include Mayan priests, warriors, and villagers. The player can talk to these characters to learn more about the game world and to get help on their quest.


Chichen Itza explores a number of themes, including:

  • The power of knowledge
  • The importance of courage
  • The dangers of greed

The game shows that knowledge is power, and that it can be used to overcome any obstacle. The game also shows that courage is important, and that it can help you to face any challenge. Finally, the game shows that greed can be dangerous, and that it can lead to your downfall.


Chichen Itza is considered one of the best text adventure games ever made. It is a classic example of the genre, and it has influenced many other games. The game’s well-written story, challenging puzzles, and beautiful prose have made it a favorite of gamers for over 30 years.


Chichen Itza is a timeless classic that is still enjoyed by gamers today. It is a well-written, challenging, and immersive adventure game that will transport you to another time and place. If you are a fan of text adventure games, then you owe it to yourself to play Chichen Itza.

Review Score


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