Cholo (1987)

by Christopher
4 minutes read


Cholo (1987): A Retro Adventure in a Post-Nuclear Bunker


In the realm of retro gaming, Cholo stands out as a captivating action-adventure title that transports players to a post-apocalyptic underground bunker. Released in 1987 for the Commodore 64, Cholo offers a thrilling blend of exploration, puzzle-solving, and intense robot combat.

Story and Setting

The game’s narrative unfolds in a dystopian future where a nuclear war has ravaged the Earth’s surface, forcing humanity to seek refuge in underground bunkers. However, these bunkers are not safe havens but rather prisons controlled by a rogue robotic defense system. Players take on the role of a robot drone tasked with liberating the trapped humans from their robotic oppressors.


Cholo combines elements of exploration, puzzle-solving, and action-packed combat. Players navigate through a labyrinthine bunker complex, encountering a variety of obstacles, traps, and robotic enemies. Each level presents unique challenges, requiring players to use their wits and combat skills to progress.

The game features a top-down perspective, giving players a clear view of their surroundings. The robot drone is equipped with a variety of weapons and abilities, including a laser blaster, bombs, and a force field. Players must strategically use these tools to overcome enemies and solve puzzles.

Exploration and Puzzle-Solving

Exploration is a key aspect of Cholo. Players must carefully navigate the bunker complex, searching for hidden passages, secret rooms, and power-ups. Along the way, they will encounter various puzzles that require logical thinking and experimentation to solve. These puzzles range from simple switch puzzles to complex mazes, adding depth and variety to the gameplay.

Combat and Strategy

Cholo’s combat system is intense and engaging. Players face off against a variety of robotic enemies, each with unique abilities and weaknesses. Some robots are heavily armored, while others are fast and agile. Players must adapt their strategies to each encounter, using the appropriate weapons and tactics to overcome their foes.

The game also features boss battles against powerful robotic guardians. These battles require careful planning, precision timing, and a combination of skill and strategy. Defeating these bosses unlocks new areas and abilities, allowing players to progress further into the bunker complex.

Graphics and Sound

For its time, Cholo showcased impressive graphics and sound design. The bunker environments are detailed and atmospheric, with flickering lights, crumbling walls, and ominous robotic sounds. The game’s soundtrack is equally impressive, featuring a mix of ambient and electronic tunes that enhance the overall atmosphere.

Legacy and Impact

Cholo was a critical and commercial success upon its release, earning praise for its innovative gameplay, engaging story, and challenging difficulty. It has since become a cult classic among retro gaming enthusiasts, inspiring numerous fan-made remakes and tributes.


Cholo (1987) is a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of the Commodore 64 era. Its unique blend of exploration, puzzle-solving, and intense combat still resonates with gamers today. Whether you’re a seasoned retro enthusiast or a newcomer to classic gaming, Cholo is an essential title that deserves a place in any retro gaming collection.

Review Score


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