Congo (2014)

by Nish
5 minutes read


Congo (2014): A Cooperative Horror Adventure in the Heart of Darkness


Congo is a top-down cooperative horror game developed by Bigben Interactive and released in 2014. The game follows a group of soldiers who are stranded deep in the Congo jungle and must fight their way back to safety while being hunted by packs of demons.


Congo is a cooperative game for up to four players. Players take on the roles of soldiers who are equipped with a variety of weapons and abilities. The game is played from a top-down perspective, and players must work together to scavenge equipment, solve puzzles, and defeat the demons that are lurking in the shadows.

The game’s environment is dark and dangerous, and players must use light to their advantage. Light can be used to scare away demons, reveal hidden objects, and solve puzzles. Players must also be careful not to make too much noise, as this will attract the attention of the demons.

Congo features a variety of different enemy types, each with their own unique abilities. Players must learn to adapt their tactics to each enemy type in order to survive. The game also features a number of boss battles, which are challenging encounters that require players to work together to defeat.


Congo is set in the dense and dangerous Congo jungle. The game’s environment is dark and oppressive, and players must constantly be on the lookout for danger. The jungle is also home to a variety of wildlife, which can be both helpful and harmful to the players.


Congo features a cast of four playable characters, each with their own unique abilities. The characters are:

  • Jack: A soldier who is armed with a shotgun and has the ability to create light sources.
  • Sarah: A medic who is armed with a pistol and has the ability to heal her teammates.
  • Sam: A scout who is armed with a bow and arrow and has the ability to move silently.
  • Zoe: A engineer who is armed with a wrench and has the ability to repair equipment.


Congo received positive reviews from critics. The game was praised for its atmosphere, gameplay, and cooperative multiplayer. However, the game was also criticized for its short length and lack of replayability.


Congo is a solid cooperative horror game that offers a challenging and rewarding experience. The game’s atmosphere is thick, the gameplay is intense, and the scares are plentiful. While the game is short and lacks replayability, it is still a worthwhile experience for fans of cooperative horror games.

Tips for Playing Congo

  • Stick together. Congo is a cooperative game, and it is important to work together with your teammates to survive.
  • Use light to your advantage. Light can be used to scare away demons, reveal hidden objects, and solve puzzles.
  • Be careful not to make too much noise. Noise will attract the attention of the demons.
  • Learn to adapt your tactics to each enemy type. Each enemy type has its own unique abilities, and you must learn to adapt your tactics to each one in order to survive.
  • Don’t give up. Congo can be a challenging game, but it is also very rewarding. If you stick together and work together, you will be able to overcome any challenge.

Review Score



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