Connections (1995)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Connections (1995): A Journey Through Time and Space

Released in 1995, Connections is a first-person adventure game that takes players on a journey through time and space. The game is based on the documentary television show of the same name, hosted by James Burke. In the game, players are thrust into a world where different eras of civilization have been mixed together. Players must explore this strange new world and make the connections that will make sense of it.

Connections is a unique and challenging game that combines elements of history, puzzle-solving, and exploration. Players must use their wits to solve puzzles, decipher clues, and make connections between different eras and cultures. The game’s world is full of anachronisms and paradoxes, and players must use their knowledge of history to make sense of it all.

One of the most striking things about Connections is its visuals. The game uses a unique art style that combines 3D graphics with hand-drawn elements. This gives the game a distinctive look that sets it apart from other games of its era. The game’s world is full of detail and atmosphere, and players will find themselves drawn into its strange and wonderful setting.

The gameplay in Connections is also unique and innovative. Players control their character from a first-person perspective, and must explore the game’s world by walking, running, and jumping. Players can also interact with objects in the world, such as doors, levers, and puzzles. The game’s puzzles are challenging but fair, and players will need to use their wits to solve them.

Connections is a game that rewards exploration and experimentation. Players who are willing to take their time and explore the game’s world will be rewarded with a rich and rewarding experience. The game’s story is full of twists and turns, and players will be kept guessing until the very end.

The Connections of History

Connections is a game that is full of historical references. Players will encounter characters and events from all different eras of history, from ancient Egypt to the modern day. The game’s puzzles often require players to use their knowledge of history to solve them. For example, one puzzle requires players to use their knowledge of the American Revolution to decipher a code.

The game’s historical references are not just for show. They are an integral part of the game’s story and gameplay. Connections is a game that challenges players to think about history in a new way. The game shows that history is not a linear progression, but a complex and interconnected web of events.

The Legacy of Connections

Connections was a critical and commercial success when it was released in 1995. The game was praised for its unique gameplay, innovative visuals, and thought-provoking story. Connections has been cited as an influence on a number of other games, including the Myst series and the Assassin’s Creed series.

Connections is a classic game that still stands up today. The game’s unique gameplay, innovative visuals, and thought-provoking story make it a must-play for fans of adventure games and history buffs alike.


Connections is a unique and challenging game that combines elements of history, puzzle-solving, and exploration. The game’s world is full of anachronisms and paradoxes, and players must use their knowledge of history to make sense of it all. The game’s puzzles are challenging but fair, and players will need to use their wits to solve them. Connections is a game that rewards exploration and experimentation. Players who are willing to take their time and explore the game’s world will be rewarded with a rich and rewarding experience.

Score: 7.5 out of 10


  • Unique and innovative gameplay
  • Stunning visuals
  • Thought-provoking story
  • Challenging puzzles


  • Can be difficult at times
  • Some of the puzzles are obtuse
  • The story can be a bit confusing at times


Connections is a classic game that still stands up today. The game’s unique gameplay, innovative visuals, and thought-provoking story make it a must-play for fans of adventure games and history buffs alike.

Review Score



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