Copoka (2016)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Copoka: A Bird’s-Eye View of Totalitarianism

Copoka is a mellow open world exploratory indie game about a bird trying to build their nest in a totalitarian city state. It’s a unique and immersive experience that will stay with you long after you finish playing.

You play as a small bird in a vast city. The city is a mix of beautiful architecture and towering skyscrapers, but there is a sense of oppression in the air. The city is ruled by a totalitarian government that controls every aspect of life.

As a bird, you are free to fly around the city and explore. You can land on buildings, trees, and other objects. You can also interact with other birds and animals.

One of the most striking things about Copoka is its art style. The game is rendered in a beautiful painterly style that gives it a unique and dreamlike atmosphere. The colors are vibrant and the textures are rich.

The gameplay in Copoka is simple but addictive. You fly around the city, collecting twigs and other materials to build your nest. You also need to avoid predators and other dangers.

As you build your nest, you will learn more about the city and its inhabitants. You will meet other birds who are trying to survive in this oppressive environment. You will also learn about the government’s surveillance and control.

Copoka is a game that is both beautiful and thought-provoking. It’s a unique and immersive experience that will stay with you long after you finish playing.

The Totalitarian City

The city in Copoka is a fascinating and complex place. It is a city of contrasts, where beauty and oppression exist side by side.

The city is ruled by a totalitarian government that controls every aspect of life. The government is omnipresent, with its surveillance cameras and propaganda posters. The people of the city live in fear of the government, and they are constantly being watched.

Despite the government’s oppressive presence, there is still a sense of hope and resilience among the people of the city. They find ways to express themselves and to connect with each other, even under the watchful eye of the government.

The Bird

The bird in Copoka is a symbol of hope and freedom. It is a small creature that is able to fly above the city and see the world from a different perspective. The bird is also able to build its nest in the city, even in the face of adversity.

The bird represents the human spirit’s ability to overcome oppression and to find hope in even the darkest of times.

The Gameplay

The gameplay in Copoka is simple but addictive. You fly around the city, collecting twigs and other materials to build your nest. You also need to avoid predators and other dangers.

As you build your nest, you will learn more about the city and its inhabitants. You will meet other birds who are trying to survive in this oppressive environment. You will also learn about the government’s surveillance and control.

The gameplay in Copoka is not particularly challenging, but it is very rewarding. There is a sense of accomplishment as you build your nest and learn more about the city.

The Message

Copoka is a game with a powerful message. It is a game about the dangers of totalitarianism and the importance of hope and freedom.

The game shows us how a totalitarian government can control every aspect of life and crush the human spirit. But it also shows us that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.

Copoka is a game that is both beautiful and thought-provoking. It is a unique and immersive experience that will stay with you long after you finish playing.

Review Score



Cover Art


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