Dark Souls III: Day 1 Edition (2016)

by Ji-yeong
4 minutes read


Dark Souls III: Day 1 Edition (2016): A Grim and Satisfying Conclusion to the Trilogy

FromSoftware’s Dark Souls series has been lauded for its challenging gameplay, immersive world-building, and deep lore. Dark Souls III, the final installment in the trilogy, is no exception. Released in 2016, Dark Souls III: Day 1 Edition includes the base game as well as a Prima Starter Guide, the official soundtrack, and exclusive O-Sleeve packaging.


Dark Souls III retains the core gameplay mechanics that have made the series so popular. Players control a customizable character through a dark and dangerous world, battling formidable enemies and navigating treacherous environments. The game’s combat is methodical and punishing, requiring players to carefully time their attacks and dodges.

One of the most significant changes in Dark Souls III is the addition of a new combat mechanic called the “Stance System.” This system allows players to switch between three different stances: one-handed, two-handed, and shield. Each stance has its own advantages and disadvantages, and players must learn to adapt their playstyle accordingly.

Another new feature in Dark Souls III is the “Ashes of Ariandel” DLC, which adds a new area to explore, new bosses to fight, and new weapons and armor to collect. The DLC also introduces a new covenant system, which allows players to align themselves with different factions and gain access to unique rewards.

World and Atmosphere

Dark Souls III takes place in the kingdom of Lothric, a land that is slowly being consumed by darkness. The game’s world is both beautiful and terrifying, with towering castles, sprawling ruins, and desolate wastelands. The atmosphere is one of constant dread and despair, as players are constantly reminded of the futility of their struggle against the inevitable.


The story of Dark Souls III is told through environmental storytelling and cryptic dialogue. Players piece together the game’s lore by exploring the world and interacting with its inhabitants. The story is full of tragedy and loss, and it ultimately culminates in a bittersweet ending that leaves players with much to ponder.

Graphics and Sound

Dark Souls III is a visually stunning game, with detailed environments and character models. The game’s art style is dark and gritty, but it also has a strange beauty to it. The soundtrack is also excellent, with haunting melodies that perfectly complement the game’s atmosphere.


Dark Souls III: Day 1 Edition is a must-play for fans of the series and action RPGs in general. The game’s challenging gameplay, immersive world, and deep lore make it one of the most rewarding and satisfying experiences in gaming.

Score: 9.5/10


  • Challenging and rewarding gameplay
  • Immersive world and atmosphere
  • Deep and engaging story
  • Excellent graphics and sound


  • Can be frustratingly difficult at times
  • Some of the bosses are unfair
  • The story can be difficult to follow at times

Review Score



Cover Art


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