Daylight (2014)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Daylight (2014): A Haunting Journey Through an Abandoned Hospital

Released in 2014, Daylight is a first-person horror game that puts players in the shoes of Sarah, a woman who awakens trapped in an abandoned hospital. With only her phone as a source of light, Sarah must navigate the eerie and dangerous corridors, uncovering the secrets of the hospital and the strange presence that lurks within.


Daylight is a survival horror game that emphasizes exploration and atmosphere over combat. Players must use their wits and stealth to avoid the malevolent entities that inhabit the hospital, while also solving puzzles and uncovering the truth behind Sarah’s predicament.

The game’s unique lighting system plays a crucial role in gameplay. Sarah’s phone is her only source of light, and players must carefully manage its battery life to avoid being left in the dark. The darkness is not merely an obstacle; it is a tangible threat, as the entities are drawn to movement and light.


Daylight is set in an abandoned hospital, a labyrinthine complex of decaying rooms and eerie corridors. The hospital’s once-sterile environment has been transformed into a haunting playground for the supernatural. As Sarah explores the hospital, she will encounter remnants of the patients and staff who once inhabited it, adding to the game’s unsettling atmosphere.


Daylight’s story is shrouded in mystery. Players will gradually uncover the truth behind Sarah’s predicament and the hospital’s dark past through environmental storytelling and cryptic messages. The game’s narrative is open-ended, leaving players to piece together the fragments of the story and draw their own conclusions.


Daylight’s atmosphere is one of its strongest assets. The game’s visuals are dark and gritty, with a muted color palette that emphasizes the decay and desolation of the hospital. The sound design is equally effective, with eerie noises and whispers constantly echoing through the corridors, creating a sense of unease and paranoia.


Daylight received mixed reviews upon release. Some praised the game’s atmosphere and unique gameplay mechanics, while others criticized its repetitive gameplay and lack of polish. Despite the mixed reviews, Daylight has gained a cult following among horror fans, who appreciate its immersive atmosphere and chilling story.


Daylight may not have been a critical or commercial success, but it has left a lasting impression on the horror genre. The game’s unique lighting system and emphasis on exploration and atmosphere have been cited as influences on other horror games, such as Outlast and Layers of Fear.


Daylight is a haunting and atmospheric horror game that will stay with you long after you finish playing. Its unique gameplay mechanics and unsettling setting create a truly immersive and terrifying experience. While the game may not be for everyone, it is a must-play for fans of the horror genre.

Tips for Playing Daylight

  • Manage your battery life carefully. Your phone is your only source of light, so be sure to use it wisely. Avoid leaving it on when you don’t need it, and look for opportunities to charge it.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. The entities in Daylight are drawn to movement and light, so be careful not to make too much noise or shine your light around too much.
  • Use stealth to your advantage. You can’t fight the entities in Daylight, so your best bet is to avoid them altogether. Use the environment to your advantage, and try to stay out of their sight.
  • Don’t be afraid to run. If you do get caught by an entity, don’t be afraid to run. You can usually outrun them, but be careful not to lead them into a dead end.
  • Explore every nook and cranny. Daylight is full of secrets, so be sure to explore every nook and cranny. You may find hidden items or clues that can help you progress.

Common Questions About Daylight

  • Is Daylight a scary game? Yes, Daylight is a horror game, and it can be quite scary at times. The game’s atmosphere is dark and unsettling, and the entities can be quite frightening.
  • Is Daylight difficult? Daylight is not a particularly difficult game, but it can be challenging at times. The game’s puzzles can be tricky, and the entities can be difficult to avoid.
  • How long is Daylight? Daylight is a relatively short game. Most players can finish it in around 2-3 hours.
  • Is Daylight worth playing? If you’re a fan of horror games, then Daylight is definitely worth playing. The game’s atmosphere is top-notch, and the gameplay is unique and engaging.

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