Death’s Gambit (2018)

by Ji-yeong
6 minutes read


Death’s Gambit: A Soulful Exploration of Mortality and Redemption


Released in 2018, Death’s Gambit is a challenging and rewarding action-RPG that captivates players with its intricate combat, haunting atmosphere, and thought-provoking narrative. Set on an alien medieval planet called Siradon, the game follows the journey of Sorun, a knight errant who has been granted a fragment of Death’s power.

Gameplay: A Symphony of Skill and Strategy

Death’s Gambit’s combat system is a masterclass in precision and strategy. Players must carefully time their attacks, dodges, and parries to overcome a diverse cast of enemies, from towering beasts to agile knights. The game features a wide range of weapons and abilities, each with unique strengths and weaknesses, allowing players to customize their combat style to suit their preferences.

Beyond combat, Death’s Gambit also emphasizes exploration and puzzle-solving. Players traverse a labyrinthine world filled with hidden paths, secret areas, and environmental hazards. Along the way, they must solve puzzles that test their wits and platforming skills.

World and Atmosphere: A Haunting Tapestry of Beauty and Despair

The world of Siradon is a breathtaking and haunting creation. Inspired by medieval European folklore, the game’s environments are rendered in a beautiful pixel art style that evokes a sense of both wonder and melancholy. From the lush forests of Eldurin to the desolate wastes of the Abyss, each area exudes a unique atmosphere that immerses players in the game’s rich lore.

Narrative: A Journey of Redemption and Mortality

Death’s Gambit’s narrative is a complex and emotionally resonant exploration of mortality, redemption, and the nature of sacrifice. Players follow Sorun’s journey as he grapples with the weight of his newfound power and the consequences of his actions. Along the way, he encounters a cast of memorable characters who challenge his beliefs and force him to confront his own mortality.

Key Features

  • Challenging and rewarding combat: Master a deep and nuanced combat system that demands precision, strategy, and quick reflexes.
  • Exploration and puzzle-solving: Uncover a labyrinthine world filled with hidden paths, secret areas, and environmental puzzles.
  • Stunning pixel art: Immerse yourself in a hauntingly beautiful world inspired by medieval European folklore.
  • Thought-provoking narrative: Embark on a journey of redemption and mortality, exploring the nature of sacrifice and the consequences of one’s actions.
  • Customization and progression: Tailor your combat style with a wide range of weapons, abilities, and character upgrades.

Critical Reception and Legacy

Death’s Gambit received widespread critical acclaim upon release, with reviewers praising its challenging combat, haunting atmosphere, and thought-provoking narrative. The game has been nominated for numerous awards, including Best Indie Game at the 2018 Game Developers Choice Awards.

Since its release, Death’s Gambit has garnered a dedicated following among fans of action-RPGs and indie games. Its unique blend of challenging gameplay, immersive world-building, and poignant storytelling has cemented its place as a modern classic.


Death’s Gambit is a masterpiece of the action-RPG genre, offering a challenging and rewarding experience that will stay with players long after the credits roll. Its intricate combat, haunting atmosphere, and thought-provoking narrative create a truly unforgettable journey that explores the depths of mortality and redemption. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a newcomer to the genre, Death’s Gambit is an essential experience that will captivate and challenge you in equal measure.

Review Score



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