Dragon Ball Z: V.R.V.S. (1994)

by Christopher
4 minutes read


Dragon Ball Z: V.R.V.S. (1994): A Nostalgic Dive into the Arcade Classic


Released in 1994 for the Sega System 32 arcade platform, Dragon Ball Z: V.R.V.S. is a fighting game that pits iconic characters from the beloved anime series against each other in intense battles. Developed by Sega and Banpresto, V.R.V.S. stands out with its stunning graphics, fast-paced combat, and a roster of fan-favorite characters.


V.R.V.S. is a traditional 2D fighting game where players select from a roster of characters and engage in one-on-one battles. The game’s controls are simple yet effective, with a combination of punches, kicks, and special moves that can be chained together to create devastating combos.

One of the unique aspects of V.R.V.S. is its “Variable Response Battle System” (V.R.V.S.), which allows players to customize their characters’ abilities and stats. By allocating points to different attributes, players can tailor their characters to their preferred playstyles, whether it’s prioritizing speed, power, or defense.


V.R.V.S. features a roster of 12 playable characters, each with their own unique abilities and fighting styles. The roster includes fan favorites such as Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Trunks, as well as lesser-known characters like Android 18 and Cell Jr.

Each character possesses a signature set of special moves, which can be executed by inputting specific button combinations. These moves range from powerful energy blasts to lightning-fast melee attacks, adding depth and variety to the combat.

Graphics and Sound

For its time, V.R.V.S. showcased impressive graphics that brought the Dragon Ball Z world to life. The character sprites are large and detailed, with fluid animations that capture the dynamic action of the anime. The backgrounds are vibrant and varied, ranging from lush landscapes to futuristic cities.

The game’s soundtrack is equally impressive, featuring energetic and memorable tunes that enhance the overall experience. The sound effects are also well-crafted, with powerful explosions and bone-crunching impacts that add to the intensity of the battles.


Dragon Ball Z: V.R.V.S. was a critical and commercial success upon its release, and it remains a beloved entry in the Dragon Ball Z video game franchise. The game’s fast-paced combat, customizable characters, and stunning graphics left a lasting impression on arcade-goers and fans alike.

V.R.V.S. also played a significant role in the evolution of fighting games, introducing innovative features such as the Variable Response Battle System. This system allowed players to tailor their characters to their preferred playstyles, adding a layer of depth and strategy to the genre.


Dragon Ball Z: V.R.V.S. is a nostalgic arcade classic that captures the essence of the beloved anime series. With its stunning graphics, fast-paced combat, and customizable characters, V.R.V.S. remains an enjoyable and engaging fighting game experience. Whether you’re a long-time fan of Dragon Ball Z or a newcomer to the franchise, V.R.V.S. is a must-play for anyone who appreciates classic arcade brawlers.

Review Score


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