Elevator Action (1983)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Elevator Action (1983): A Vertical Journey Through Espionage and Excitement


In the annals of arcade gaming history, Elevator Action stands as a true pioneer, a game that broke new ground in both gameplay and design. Released in 1983 by Taito, Elevator Action quickly became a global sensation, captivating players with its innovative vertical scrolling gameplay, thrilling espionage theme, and addictive action.

Gameplay: A Vertical Odyssey

Elevator Action presents players with a unique vertical scrolling experience, set within a towering skyscraper filled with treacherous elevators and elusive secret agents. The player assumes the role of a skilled spy tasked with infiltrating this high-rise labyrinth, retrieving confidential documents, and escaping unscathed.

The gameplay revolves around navigating the building’s 30 floors, utilizing a complex network of elevators to ascend and descend. Players must carefully plan their movements, as enemy agents lurk behind every corner, ready to ambush and eliminate the spy. Stealth and quick reflexes are paramount to success, as players must either engage in combat or evade these adversaries to progress.

Espionage and Intrigue

Beyond its innovative gameplay, Elevator Action also boasts a compelling espionage narrative. The player’s mission is to retrieve vital documents from the clutches of敌对间谍组织潜伏在大厦之中。收集这些文件对于国家安全至关重要,而特工必须不惜一切代价完成任务。

This espionage element adds an extra layer of depth to the gameplay, as players must remain vigilant and constantly aware of their surroundings. The tension ratchets up with each passing floor, as the enemy agents become more numerous and aggressive.

Controls and Graphics

Elevator Action’s controls are deceptively simple yet highly effective. Players utilize a four-way joystick to move the spy and two buttons for shooting and jumping/kicking. This minimalist approach allows for precise and responsive gameplay, essential for navigating the game’s intricate levels.

The game’s graphics, while simple by today’s standards, were cutting-edge for their time. The 2D color graphics effectively convey the building’s environment, with each floor featuring unique obstacles and hazards. The character sprites are well-animated and distinct, adding to the game’s overall charm.

Music and Sound

Elevator Action’s soundtrack, composed by the legendary Yoshio Imamura, is an unforgettable fusion of electronic melodies and percussive rhythms. The music perfectly captures the game’s frenetic pace and tense atmosphere, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

The sound effects are equally impressive, with realistic gunfire, explosions, and the distinctive chime of the elevators adding to the game’s immersive atmosphere.

Legacy and Impact

Elevator Action’s impact on the gaming industry cannot be overstated. It was one of the first games to introduce vertical scrolling gameplay, a concept that would later become a staple in countless other titles. The game’s innovative design and thrilling action formula set a new standard for arcade games, inspiring a generation of developers.

Elevator Action’s legacy extends beyond its immediate impact. The game has been ported to numerous home consoles and handheld devices, ensuring its continued accessibility to new audiences. It has also been featured in various compilations and retrospectives, celebrating its enduring popularity and historical significance.


Elevator Action (1983) is a true arcade masterpiece, a game that revolutionized vertical scrolling gameplay and captivated players worldwide. Its innovative design, thrilling espionage theme, and addictive action have stood the test of time, making it a beloved classic that continues to entertain and challenge gamers to this day. Whether you’re a seasoned arcade enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of retro gaming, Elevator Action is an essential experience that will leave you breathless from start to finish.

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