Girl’s Garden (1984)

by Christopher
4 minutes read


Girl’s Garden: A Charming and Challenging Adventure

Released in 1984 for the Sega SG-1000 and Sega Master System, Girl’s Garden is a unique and charming platformer that tasks players with collecting flowers and avoiding enemies in order to win back their boyfriend’s heart.


The game’s protagonist is Papri, a young girl who is desperately in love with Minto, a boy who lives in a nearby village. However, Minto has recently started to show interest in another girl named Cocco, and Papri is determined to win him back.

To do this, Papri must collect ten different flowers and return them to Minto’s house. However, the flowers are scattered throughout a dangerous garden, and Papri must avoid being caught by bears and other enemies.


Girl’s Garden is a side-scrolling platformer with simple but addictive gameplay. Papri can run, jump, and climb ladders, and she must use these skills to navigate the garden and collect the flowers.

The flowers are located in different parts of the garden, and Papri must time her jumps carefully to catch them in full bloom. Catching flowers too early will consider the flowers to be wasted and flowers caught too late will be wilted. Wilted flowers will ruin the bouquet, causing the player to lose half of the flowers.

Bears are the main enemies in Girl’s Garden, and they will attack Papri if they come into contact with her. Papri can avoid the bears by running away or by dropping honey to distract them.

Bees are Papri’s allies, and they will occasionally give her bonus items, such as extra honey or invincibility. Papri can also catch bees on flowers to receive extra honey.

Graphics and Sound

The graphics in Girl’s Garden are colorful and charming, and the game’s world is full of lush vegetation and cute animals. The sound effects are simple but effective, and the music is catchy and upbeat.


Girl’s Garden is a challenging game, and players will need to be patient and skilled in order to complete it. The bears are relentless in their pursuit of Papri, and the flowers can be difficult to catch in full bloom. However, the game’s charming visuals and addictive gameplay make it well worth the effort.


Girl’s Garden was a commercial success, and it was ported to several other platforms, including the Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear, and Nintendo Game Boy. The game has also been re-released on several compilation discs and online stores.

Girl’s Garden is a classic platformer that is still enjoyed by gamers today. The game’s charming visuals, addictive gameplay, and challenging difficulty make it a must-play for fans of retro gaming.

Tips for Playing Girl’s Garden

  • Be patient and don’t rush through the levels. Take your time to learn the layout of each level and the locations of the flowers.
  • Use the bees to your advantage. Bees can give you bonus items and extra honey, which can be very helpful in completing the game.
  • Drop honey to distract the bears. This will give you a chance to escape or catch a flower.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. There are multiple ways to complete each level, so don’t be afraid to try different strategies.


Girl’s Garden is a charming and challenging platformer that is still enjoyed by gamers today. The game’s simple but addictive gameplay, cute graphics, and catchy music make it a must-play for fans of retro gaming.

Review Score


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