High Seize (2005)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


High Seize (2005)

Ahoy there, mateys! Today we be settin’ sail for a review of High Seize, a pirate-themed strategy game for the N-Gage. Released in 2005, High Seize puts ye in command of a pirate ship and crew as ye plunder, pillage, and conquer yer way to glory.


High Seize is a turn-based strategy game in which ye take control of a pirate ship and crew. The game’s objective is to become the most powerful pirate on the seven seas by plundering treasure, conquering islands, and defeating enemy ships.

The game is played on a hexagonal grid, with each hex representing a different location on the sea. Ye can move yer ship around the grid by spending action points, and ye can use yer cannons to attack enemy ships or bombard land targets.

In addition to yer ship, ye also have a crew of pirates at yer disposal. Pirates can be used to board enemy ships, capture treasure chests, or repair yer own ship. Each pirate has their own unique abilities, so it’s important to choose the right crew for the job.


  • Pirate-themed strategy gameplay: High Seize is a unique and challenging strategy game that puts ye in command of a pirate ship and crew.
  • Variety of missions: The game features a variety of missions, including plundering treasure, conquering islands, and defeating enemy ships.
  • Upgradeable ships and crew: Ye can upgrade yer ship and crew to make them more powerful.
  • Multiplayer mode: Ye can play High Seize against other players online or via local multiplayer.


High Seize is a fun and challenging pirate-themed strategy game. The game’s unique gameplay, variety of missions, and upgradeable ships and crew make it a must-have for fans of the genre.

One of the things that makes High Seize so unique is its pirate theme. The game does a great job of capturing the feel of being a pirate, from the swashbuckling action to the plundering of treasure.

The game’s variety of missions also keeps things interesting. Ye’ll never get bored playing High Seize, as there’s always something new to do.

Finally, the game’s upgradeable ships and crew add a lot of depth to the gameplay. Ye can customize yer ship and crew to fit yer own playstyle, and this makes the game even more challenging and rewarding.

Overall, High Seize is a great pirate-themed strategy game that is sure to please fans of the genre. If ye be lookin’ for a fun and challenging game to play on yer N-Gage, then High Seize is definitely worth checkin’ out.

Score: 7/10

Tips for playing High Seize

Here be a few tips for playin’ High Seize:

  • Choose the right crew for the job. Each pirate has their own unique abilities, so it’s important to choose the right crew for the mission at hand.
  • Upgrade yer ship and crew. Upgrading yer ship and crew will make them more powerful and will help ye to succeed in battle.
  • Use the environment to yer advantage. The environment can be used to yer advantage in battle. For example, ye can use rocks to block enemy fire or ye can use the wind to speed up yer ship.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. High Seize is a game that rewards experimentation. Try different strategies and tactics to find out what works best for ye.


High Seize is a fun and challenging pirate-themed strategy game that is sure to please fans of the genre. If ye be lookin’ for a game to play on yer N-Gage, then High Seize is definitely worth checkin’ out.

Review Score



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