Islanded (2015)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Islanded: A Nature-Based Survival Sandbox Extravaganza

Embark on an epic journey of survival and discovery in Islanded, a groundbreaking nature-based sandbox game released in 2015. This immersive experience invites you to explore a vast open world, interact with nature, and build your own unique settlement.

A Living, Breathing Ecosystem

Islanded’s world is a vibrant and dynamic ecosystem teeming with life. From towering trees to sparkling rivers, lush meadows to rugged mountains, the islands offer a diverse range of biomes to explore. Each biome is inhabited by a variety of animals, from friendly herbivores to fearsome predators.

Your interactions with nature play a crucial role in your survival. Animals can be hunted for food, tamed for transportation, or even used to scout the environment. Plants provide sustenance, shelter, and medicinal properties. The more you learn about the ecosystem, the better equipped you’ll be to survive.

Unleash the Power of Nature

One of the unique features of Islanded is its animal possession mechanic. By acquiring special abilities, you can control animals and harness their unique powers. Soar through the skies as an eagle, traverse dense forests as a wolf, or swim through underwater depths as a shark.

Animal possession opens up countless possibilities for exploration, resource gathering, and combat. Use your eagle’s keen eyesight to spot distant threats, command a pack of wolves to hunt prey, or sneak past enemies as a stealthy snake. The possibilities are endless.

Open World, Open Possibilities

Islanded’s open world is a vast and varied landscape, with no set paths or objectives. You are free to explore the islands at your own pace, discover hidden secrets, and build your settlement wherever you choose.

As you progress, you’ll acquire new skills and technologies that will allow you to expand your settlement and improve your chances of survival. Build sturdy shelters to protect yourself from the elements, craft tools and weapons to hunt and defend yourself, and develop agriculture to sustain your growing community.

Engineering and Resource Management

In addition to interacting with nature, Islanded also incorporates elements of engineering and resource management. You’ll need to gather resources such as wood, stone, and metal to construct buildings, craft items, and develop your settlement.

Basic engineering principles come into play as you design and build structures, bridges, and transportation systems. Plan carefully and utilize the resources at your disposal to create a thriving and sustainable settlement.

A Journey of Discovery and Survival

Islanded is more than just a survival game; it’s a journey of discovery and exploration. As you venture deeper into the islands, you’ll uncover ancient ruins, solve puzzles, and piece together the mysteries of the past.

Along the way, you’ll face challenges, make choices, and forge alliances. The decisions you make will shape your experience and ultimately determine the fate of your settlement.


Islanded is a captivating and immersive survival sandbox game that offers a unique blend of nature interaction, open-world exploration, and engineering challenges. With its stunning visuals, dynamic ecosystem, and endless possibilities, Islanded will keep you engaged for hours on end.

Whether you’re a seasoned survivalist or a newcomer to the genre, Islanded is a must-play experience that will test your skills, ignite your imagination, and leave you with a deep appreciation for the power of nature.

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