Knights of Honor (2005)

by Nish
7 minutes read


Knights of Honor (2005): A Comprehensive Guide to Medieval Majesty

Released in 2005, Knights of Honor is a real-time strategy game that puts you in the shoes of a medieval monarch. Your goal is to lead your people from humble beginnings to a position of power and prestige, through war, diplomacy, and economic development.

One of the unique features of Knights of Honor is its knight-management system. You can recruit knights to your court and assign them to various tasks, such as leading armies, governing provinces, or undertaking quests. Knights gain experience and level up over time, and they can be equipped with a variety of weapons and armor to improve their effectiveness.


Knights of Honor is played on a large, detailed map of Europe. You start the game with a single province, and you must gradually expand your territory by conquering new provinces or forming alliances with other kingdoms.

There are three main ways to expand your kingdom:

  • War: You can declare war on other kingdoms and conquer their provinces by force. However, war is a costly and risky undertaking, and you should only declare war if you are confident that you can win.
  • Diplomacy: You can form alliances with other kingdoms and trade with them to improve your economy and strengthen your position. Diplomacy can be a more peaceful and less risky way to expand your kingdom, but it can also be more time-consuming.
  • Economic development: You can develop your economy by building new towns and cities, improving your infrastructure, and increasing your trade. Economic development can help you to generate more revenue, which you can use to fund your armies and build new buildings.


There are a variety of different units that you can recruit and train in Knights of Honor. These units include:

  • Infantry: Infantry are the backbone of any army. They are relatively cheap to train and maintain, and they can be used to defend your territory or attack your enemies.
  • Cavalry: Cavalry are more expensive to train and maintain than infantry, but they are also more powerful. Cavalry can be used to quickly attack your enemies or to pursue fleeing enemies.
  • Archers: Archers are a ranged unit that can be used to attack your enemies from a distance. Archers are especially effective against infantry and cavalry that are not protected by armor.
  • Siege engines: Siege engines are powerful weapons that can be used to destroy enemy fortifications. Siege engines are slow and difficult to move, but they can be very effective in siege warfare.


There are a variety of different buildings that you can construct in Knights of Honor. These buildings include:

  • Towns and cities: Towns and cities are the foundation of your economy. They generate revenue, which you can use to fund your armies and build new buildings.
  • Castles: Castles are defensive structures that can be used to protect your territory from invasion. Castles can be garrisoned with troops to defend them against attack.
  • Monasteries: Monasteries can be used to train monks, who can be used to convert enemy provinces to your religion. Monasteries can also be used to generate gold and research new technologies.
  • Universities: Universities can be used to train scholars, who can be used to research new technologies. Universities can also be used to generate gold and increase your kingdom’s prestige.


There are a variety of different technologies that you can research in Knights of Honor. These technologies can improve your economy, your military, or your diplomacy. Some of the most important technologies include:

  • Agriculture: Agriculture technologies can increase the food production of your provinces, which will allow you to support a larger population and army.
  • Mining: Mining technologies can increase the production of resources, such as gold and iron, which you can use to fund your armies and build new buildings.
  • Military: Military technologies can improve the combat effectiveness of your units. For example, you can research technologies that increase the attack power of your infantry or the defense power of your cavalry.
  • Diplomacy: Diplomacy technologies can improve your relations with other kingdoms. For example, you can research technologies that increase your trade income or that make it easier to form alliances.


Religion plays an important role in Knights of Honor. There are three main religions in the game: Christianity, Islam, and Paganism. Each religion has its own unique beliefs and practices, and you must choose one of these religions for your kingdom.

The religion that you choose will have a significant impact on your gameplay. For example, Christian kingdoms can build churches, which can be used to convert enemy provinces to Christianity. Muslim kingdoms can build mosques, which can be used to generate gold and research new technologies. Pagan kingdoms can build temples, which can be used to train priests, who can be used to cast spells.


Knights of Honor features a robust multiplayer mode that allows you to compete against other players from around the world. In multiplayer mode, you can play on a variety of different maps and scenarios. You can also choose to play cooperatively or competitively.


Knights of Honor is a deep and engaging real-time strategy game that offers a unique blend of warfare, diplomacy, and economic development. With its detailed graphics, immersive gameplay, and robust multiplayer mode, Knights of Honor is a must-play for fans of medieval strategy games.

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