Manual Samuel (2016)

by Nish
6 minutes read


Manual Samuel: A Hilarious and Challenging Adventure

Manual Samuel is a hilarious and challenging adventure game that will make you appreciate the simple things in life. You play as Samuel, a wealthy and spoiled man who has never had to work a day in his life. After a near-death experience, Samuel is forced to manually control his body for 24 hours. This means that you have to control every single movement, from breathing to blinking to walking.

At first, this is incredibly difficult. Samuel is clumsy and uncoordinated, and it’s easy to make him fall over or bump into things. But as you progress through the game, you’ll start to get the hang of it. You’ll learn how to balance Samuel on his feet, how to walk without falling over, and how to perform simple tasks like opening doors and picking up objects.

The game is full of humor, from the slapstick comedy of Samuel’s clumsiness to the witty dialogue. The story is also surprisingly heartwarming, as Samuel learns to appreciate the simple things in life and the importance of family and friends.


Manual Samuel is a point-and-click adventure game with a unique twist: you have to manually control every single one of Samuel’s movements. This makes for a challenging and often hilarious experience.

The game is played from a third-person perspective. You use the mouse to point and click on objects in the environment, and you use the keyboard to control Samuel’s movements.

Samuel is very clumsy and uncoordinated, so it’s easy to make him fall over or bump into things. But as you progress through the game, you’ll start to get the hang of it. You’ll learn how to balance Samuel on his feet, how to walk without falling over, and how to perform simple tasks like opening doors and picking up objects.

The game is full of puzzles that require you to use Samuel’s clumsiness to your advantage. For example, you might need to make Samuel fall over to knock down a stack of boxes, or you might need to make him bump into a wall to open a secret passage.


Manual Samuel tells the story of Samuel, a wealthy and spoiled man who has never had to work a day in his life. After a near-death experience, Samuel is forced to manually control his body for 24 hours.

At first, Samuel is horrified by his new condition. He’s used to being waited on hand and foot, and he doesn’t know how to do anything for himself. But as he progresses through the game, he starts to learn the value of hard work and the importance of family and friends.

The game is full of humor, but it also has a surprisingly heartwarming story. Samuel is a flawed character, but he’s also capable of great growth and change. By the end of the game, you’ll be rooting for him to succeed.


  • Samuel: A wealthy and spoiled man who is forced to manually control his body for 24 hours.
  • Death: A mysterious figure who gives Samuel his new condition.
  • Grandpa: Samuel’s grandfather, who is a kind and wise old man.
  • Mom: Samuel’s mother, who is a loving and supportive woman.
  • Dad: Samuel’s father, who is a wealthy and successful businessman.


Manual Samuel explores a number of themes, including:

  • The importance of family and friends: Samuel learns the value of family and friends as he goes through his journey.
  • The value of hard work: Samuel learns the value of hard work as he struggles to perform simple tasks.
  • The importance of perseverance: Samuel learns the importance of perseverance as he faces challenge after challenge.


Manual Samuel is a hilarious and challenging adventure game that will make you appreciate the simple things in life. The game has a unique and innovative gameplay mechanic, a heartwarming story, and a cast of memorable characters. If you’re looking for a fun and challenging adventure, then Manual Samuel is the game for you.

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