Mr. Shifty (2017)

by Nish
6 minutes read


Mr. Shifty: A Teleporting Thief’s Tale of Speed and Stealth

In the realm of video games, where stealth and action often reside in separate corners, Mr. Shifty defies the norm with its exhilarating blend of fast-paced brawling and cunning subterfuge. Released in 2017 by Team Shifty and tinyBuild GAMES, this indie gem has garnered critical acclaim for its unique blend of genres and its homage to classic Hong Kong action cinema.

Meet Mr. Shifty, the Unstoppable Thief

As the enigmatic protagonist, Mr. Shifty, players embark on a thrilling journey of heists, rescues, and explosive confrontations. Armed with an unmatched ability to teleport, Mr. Shifty can infiltrate any stronghold with ease, relying on his fists and wits to overcome any obstacle.

A Symphony of Speed and Stealth

Mr. Shifty masterfully combines the frenetic pace of a top-down brawler with the strategic precision of stealth gameplay. Players must carefully assess each situation, using their teleportation abilities to outmaneuver enemies, set cunning traps, and manipulate their surroundings to gain an advantage.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Mr. Shifty can dodge bullets, disarm traps, and unleash a flurry of punches and kicks upon his unsuspecting foes. The game’s unique slow-motion mechanic allows players to pause time briefly, giving them a precious window to plan their next move or escape a dangerous situation.

A Visual Feast of Neon-Lit Mayhem

Mr. Shifty’s visual aesthetic is a vibrant and chaotic blend of neon-lit streets, shadowy warehouses, and explosive action. The game’s top-down perspective provides a clear and engaging view of the fast-paced combat and intricate level design.

Each level is a carefully crafted playground of environmental hazards, hidden paths, and unsuspecting enemies. Players must use their keen observation skills to identify opportunities for stealthy infiltration or explosive confrontations.

A Tribute to Hong Kong Action Cinema

Mr. Shifty’s developers, Team Shifty, drew heavy inspiration from the golden age of Hong Kong action cinema. The game’s fast-paced combat, over-the-top stunts, and exaggerated characters pay homage to classic films like “Hard Boiled” and “The Killer.”

From the pulsating electronic soundtrack to the gritty urban environments, Mr. Shifty captures the essence of these iconic movies, delivering an exhilarating and nostalgic experience for fans of the genre.

A Test of Skill and Strategy

Despite its fast-paced nature, Mr. Shifty demands patience and strategic thinking. Players must carefully consider their approach to each level, weighing the risks and rewards of stealth versus direct confrontation.

Mastering the game’s mechanics is essential for success. Players must learn to time their teleports perfectly, anticipate enemy movements, and utilize the environment to their advantage.

A Unique and Rewarding Gaming Experience

Mr. Shifty stands out in the gaming landscape as a truly unique and rewarding experience. Its innovative blend of speed and stealth, combined with its vibrant visuals and homage to Hong Kong action cinema, creates an unforgettable adventure for gamers of all skill levels.

Whether you’re a seasoned brawler seeking a new challenge or a stealth enthusiast looking for a fresh take on the genre, Mr. Shifty is a must-play title that will leave you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

Review Score



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