Paladins (2017)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Paladins: A Realm of Champions and Endless Customization


Paladins is a free-to-play fantasy team-based shooter game developed by Evil Mojo Games and published by Hi-Rez Studios. Released in 2017, Paladins has amassed over 25 million players worldwide, captivating them with its vibrant fantasy setting, diverse cast of Champions, and deep customization options.

A Realm of Fantasy and Champions

Paladins is set in the vibrant fantasy realm of the Realm, where ancient magic and advanced technology intertwine. Players take on the role of Champions, legendary warriors drawn from various factions and backgrounds. These Champions possess unique abilities and weapons, ranging from sharpshooting humans to mech-riding goblins, mystical elves, and jetpack-clad dragons.

The game features a diverse roster of over 50 Champions, each with their own distinct playstyles and abilities. From the sharpshooting Cassie to the fiery Bomb King, from the stealthy Skye to the gravity-defying Raum, there’s a Champion to suit every player’s preferences. New Champions are regularly added to the roster, keeping the game fresh and exciting.

Team-Based Shooter with Endless Customization

Paladins is a team-based shooter game where players compete in objective-based matches, such as capturing points, escorting payloads, or battling for control of a central area. Players can choose from various game modes, including Siege, Team Deathmatch, and Onslaught.

What sets Paladins apart is its deep customization system. Players can modify their Champions’ core set of abilities, known as Talents and Loadouts, to create unique builds that suit their playstyles. This allows for a vast array of strategic possibilities and team compositions.

Stunning Visuals and Immersive Gameplay

Paladins boasts stunning visuals and immersive gameplay. The game’s vibrant fantasy world is brought to life with detailed character models, lush environments, and dynamic lighting. The combat is fast-paced and visceral, with a variety of weapons and abilities that create explosive and satisfying encounters.

Free-to-Play with Fair Monetization

Paladins is a free-to-play game, which means that players can download and play it without spending any money. The game’s monetization system is fair and balanced, allowing players to acquire new Champions, skins, and other cosmetic items through gameplay or microtransactions.


Paladins is a captivating fantasy team-based shooter game that offers endless customization, a diverse cast of Champions, and immersive gameplay. With its vibrant realm, strategic depth, and fair monetization system, Paladins has become a beloved title for millions of players worldwide. Whether you’re a seasoned shooter veteran or a newcomer to the genre, Paladins offers an unforgettable and customizable gaming experience.

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