Postmortem: One must Die (2013)

by Nish
5 minutes read


Postmortem: One Must Die: A Somber and Thought-Provoking Narrative Adventure

In the realm of video games, where escapism and entertainment often take center stage, there are those rare gems that challenge our perspectives, provoke our thoughts, and leave a lasting impact. Postmortem: One Must Die, released in 2013, is one such game.

A Unique Premise and Setting

Postmortem sets itself apart with a unique premise that immediately piques curiosity. You play as an Agent of Death, a supernatural being tasked with taking a single life that could potentially alter the fate of a conflict-torn nation. This is not a game about wanton violence or gratuitous gore; rather, it’s a narrative-driven experience that explores the weight of life, death, and the consequences of our choices.

The game is set in a fictional country embroiled in a bitter civil war. As the Agent of Death, you are tasked with choosing and eliminating one individual from either side of the conflict. This choice will have far-reaching implications, potentially saving countless lives or leading to even greater bloodshed.

A Tapestry of Characters and Stories

Postmortem’s strength lies in its cast of well-developed characters and the interwoven stories that surround them. Each character you encounter has their own motivations, beliefs, and fears, and getting to know them is crucial to making an informed decision about who to eliminate.

There’s Anya, a young nurse torn between her duty to heal and her desire to fight for her people. Viktor, a hardened soldier haunted by his past, grapples with the moral implications of war. And then there’s Father Mikhail, a charismatic religious leader whose influence could sway the conflict in unexpected ways.

As you interact with these characters, you’ll learn their backstories, their hopes, and their dreams. Their stories will challenge your own beliefs and force you to confront the complexities of the situation.

Gameplay: The Weight of Choice

Gameplay in Postmortem is primarily focused on exploration, dialogue, and decision-making. You’ll explore the war-ravaged city, gathering information, talking to characters, and piecing together the puzzle of who to eliminate.

The game’s dialogue system is particularly well-crafted, allowing you to engage in meaningful conversations and shape your relationships with the characters. Your choices in these conversations will influence how they perceive you and, ultimately, how they react to your decision.

The weight of your choice is constantly present throughout the game. There is no easy answer, no clear-cut path to victory. Every option has its own potential consequences, and you must carefully consider the impact of your actions before making a decision.

Themes and Impact

Postmortem explores a range of thought-provoking themes, including the futility of war, the moral complexities of life and death, and the power of individual choice. The game doesn’t offer easy answers or spoon-feed you a particular perspective. Instead, it challenges you to think critically and form your own opinions.

The impact of Postmortem extends far beyond the end credits. The game’s somber tone, its well-written characters, and its exploration of difficult themes stay with you long after you’ve finished playing. It’s a game that forces you to confront your own beliefs, question your assumptions, and consider the consequences of your actions.

Legacy and Recognition

Postmortem: One Must Die was critically acclaimed upon release, with reviewers praising its unique premise, compelling narrative, and thought-provoking themes. It received numerous awards and nominations, including:

  • Game of the Year award from indie game website Game Tunnel
  • Excellence in Narrative award from the Independent Games Festival
  • Nomination for Best Story from the Golden Joystick Awards

The game has also been featured in academic papers and discussions on the intersection of video games and philosophy. It’s a testament to the game’s lasting impact and its ability to spark meaningful conversations.


Postmortem: One Must Die is a rare and unforgettable narrative adventure that challenges our perspectives and forces us to confront the complexities of life, death, and choice. With its well-developed characters, thought-provoking themes, and impactful gameplay, Postmortem is a game that will stay with you long after you’ve finished playing. It’s a must-play for fans of narrative-driven games, and for anyone interested in exploring the deeper meanings that video games can offer.

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