Q-Pop: Evolution im Weltraum (1995)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Q-Pop: Evolution im Weltraum (1995)

Q-Pop: Evolution im Weltraum is a puzzle strategy game developed by German studio Softgold and released in 1995 for the Amiga and MS-DOS. The game is set in space, where the player controls a spaceship that must collect colored orbs and avoid obstacles in order to progress through the levels.

Q-Pop is a unique and challenging game that requires both quick thinking and strategic planning. The game’s levels are filled with a variety of obstacles, including walls, spikes, and enemy spaceships. The player must carefully navigate their spaceship through these obstacles while collecting the colored orbs.

The game’s difficulty increases as the player progresses through the levels. The later levels feature more complex obstacles and a faster pace, making them a real challenge even for experienced players.

In addition to the main game mode, Q-Pop also features a level editor that allows players to create their own levels. This adds a great deal of replayability to the game, as players can create their own challenges and share them with others.

Q-Pop was a critical and commercial success upon its release. The game was praised for its unique gameplay, vibrant visuals, and catchy music. Q-Pop was also a pioneer in the use of 3D graphics in puzzle games.


Q-Pop is a puzzle strategy game in which the player controls a spaceship that must collect colored orbs and avoid obstacles in order to progress through the levels. The game is played from a top-down perspective, and the player’s spaceship can move in any direction.

The player’s spaceship can collect colored orbs by touching them. Each orb is worth a certain number of points, and the player must collect a certain number of points in order to complete each level.

The player’s spaceship must also avoid obstacles in order to progress through the levels. Obstacles include walls, spikes, and enemy spaceships. If the player’s spaceship touches an obstacle, it will lose a life.

The player has a limited number of lives, and if they lose all of their lives, they will have to start the level over.


Q-Pop features a total of 50 levels. The levels are divided into five different worlds, each with its own unique theme and set of challenges.

The first world is a training world that teaches the player the basics of the game. The levels in this world are relatively simple, and they are a good way for new players to learn the ropes.

The second world is a cave world. The levels in this world are more challenging than the levels in the first world, and they feature a variety of obstacles, including walls, spikes, and enemy spaceships.

The third world is a space world. The levels in this world are set in space, and they feature a variety of obstacles, including asteroids, comets, and enemy spaceships.

The fourth world is a water world. The levels in this world are set underwater, and they feature a variety of obstacles, including jellyfish, sharks, and enemy submarines.

The fifth world is a boss world. The levels in this world feature boss battles against large and powerful enemies.


Q-Pop features a variety of power-ups that can help the player progress through the levels. These power-ups include:

  • Speed Boost: This power-up increases the speed of the player’s spaceship.
  • Shield: This power-up gives the player’s spaceship a shield that protects it from damage.
  • Bomb: This power-up allows the player to drop a bomb that destroys all of the obstacles in the current level.

Level Editor

Q-Pop features a level editor that allows players to create their own levels. The level editor is easy to use, and it allows players to create a wide variety of levels, from simple puzzles to complex challenges.

Players can share their levels with others online, and there is a large community of Q-Pop level creators. This adds a great deal of replayability to the game, as players can always find new and challenging levels to play.


Q-Pop was a critical and commercial success upon its release. The game was praised for its unique gameplay, vibrant visuals, and catchy music. Q-Pop was also a pioneer in the use of 3D graphics in puzzle games.

Q-Pop was awarded the “Best Puzzle Game of 1995” award by the German magazine Amiga Joker. The game was also a commercial success, selling over 100,000 copies worldwide.

Q-Pop remains a popular puzzle game today, and it is still enjoyed by many fans around the world. The game’s unique gameplay, vibrant visuals, and catchy music make it a timeless classic.

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