Quadrel (1991)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Quadrel (1991)

Quadrel is a platformer puzzle game developed and published by Kemco for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was released in Japan in 1991 and in North America in 1992. The game is known for its innovative gameplay, which combines platforming with puzzle-solving.

The player controls a blue square named Quadrel, who must navigate through a series of levels filled with platforms, enemies, and obstacles. Quadrel can jump, shoot, and change his shape to fit through narrow spaces. The goal of each level is to reach the exit without dying.

Quadrel’s unique gameplay mechanic is its ability to change shape. Quadrel can transform into a square, a triangle, or a circle. Each shape has its own unique abilities. The square shape is the most versatile, as it can jump and shoot. The triangle shape can fit through narrow spaces. The circle shape can roll over obstacles.

Quadrel must use his shape-shifting abilities to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles. For example, he may need to transform into a square to jump over a gap, then transform into a triangle to fit through a narrow passageway.

In addition to its innovative gameplay, Quadrel is also known for its challenging difficulty. The game’s levels are filled with traps and enemies, and the player must be careful not to make a mistake. Quadrel has a limited number of lives, and if he loses all of his lives, he must start the game over.

Despite its difficulty, Quadrel is a fair and rewarding game. The player is never punished for making a mistake, and the game’s levels are designed to be solved through trial and error. Quadrel is a challenging but ultimately rewarding game that will appeal to fans of platformers and puzzle games.


Quadrel is a side-scrolling platformer puzzle game. The player controls Quadrel, a blue square, who must navigate through a series of levels filled with platforms, enemies, and obstacles. Quadrel can jump, shoot, and change his shape to fit through narrow spaces.

The goal of each level is to reach the exit without dying. Quadrel has a limited number of lives, and if he loses all of his lives, he must start the game over.

Quadrel’s unique gameplay mechanic is its ability to change shape. Quadrel can transform into a square, a triangle, or a circle. Each shape has its own unique abilities.

  • The square shape is the most versatile, as it can jump and shoot.
  • The triangle shape can fit through narrow spaces.
  • The circle shape can roll over obstacles.

Quadrel must use his shape-shifting abilities to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles. For example, he may need to transform into a square to jump over a gap, then transform into a triangle to fit through a narrow passageway.

In addition to its shape-shifting ability, Quadrel can also shoot. Quadrel’s shots can be used to defeat enemies and destroy obstacles. Quadrel can also use his shots to activate switches and open doors.

Quadrel’s levels are filled with a variety of enemies and obstacles. Enemies include bats, spiders, and ghosts. Obstacles include spikes, pits, and boulders. Quadrel must use his wits and his shape-shifting abilities to overcome these challenges.


Quadrel was developed by Kemco, a Japanese video game company. The game was directed by Hiroyuki Iwatsuki and produced by Kenji Terada. Quadrel was released in Japan in 1991 and in North America in 1992.

Quadrel was one of the first platformer puzzle games for the NES. The game’s innovative gameplay and challenging difficulty made it a critical and commercial success. Quadrel has been praised for its clever level design and its challenging but fair gameplay.


Quadrel received positive reviews from critics upon its release. The game was praised for its innovative gameplay, challenging difficulty, and clever level design. Quadrel was also a commercial success, selling over 1 million copies worldwide.

Quadrel has been included in several lists of the best NES games of all time. In 2009, IGN ranked Quadrel as the 83rd best NES game of all time. In 2012, GamesRadar ranked Quadrel as the 48th best NES game of all time.


Quadrel is considered to be one of the best platformer puzzle games for the NES. The game’s innovative gameplay and challenging difficulty have made it a classic among fans of the genre. Quadrel has been praised for its clever level design and its challenging but fair gameplay.

Quadrel has been ported to several other platforms, including the Game Boy, the PlayStation, and the Nintendo Switch. The game has also been included in several compilations of NES games.

Quadrel remains a popular game today, and it continues to be enjoyed by fans of platformer puzzle games. The game’s innovative gameplay and challenging difficulty make it a timeless classic.

Review Score


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