Root Letter (2016)

by Ji-yeong
8 minutes read


Root Letter (2016) Review

Root Letter is a visual novel adventure video game developed and published by Kadokawa Games. It was released in Japan for the PlayStation Vita in 2016, and for Microsoft Windows in 2017. The game is the first title in Kadokawa’s Kadokawa Game Mystery brand.

The game’s story follows Max, a young man who receives a letter from Aya, a girl he met 15 years ago. In the letter, Aya tells Max that she is in trouble and needs his help. Max travels to Aya’s hometown of Matsue, Shimane to find her, but she has mysteriously vanished. Max must then investigate Aya’s disappearance by interrogating the people who knew her and reliving his past interactions with her.

The gameplay is split into two distinct parts: the adventure part and the simulation part. In the adventure part, Max explores Matsue and talks to the people who knew Aya. He can ask them questions about Aya and her disappearance, and he can also investigate different locations in the town. In the simulation part, Max relives his past interactions with Aya. These interactions are presented in a visual novel format, and Max can make choices that will affect the outcome of the story.

Root Letter is a well-written and engaging visual novel with a gripping mystery. The characters are well-developed and relatable, and the story is full of twists and turns. The game’s visuals are also very impressive, with detailed backgrounds and character sprites.

One of the things that makes Root Letter so unique is its use of simulation parts. These parts allow the player to experience Max’s past interactions with Aya firsthand, and they provide a deeper understanding of their relationship. The simulation parts also add a level of interactivity to the game, as the player’s choices can affect the outcome of the story.

Overall, Root Letter is an excellent visual novel that is sure to please fans of the genre. The game’s story is engaging, the characters are well-developed, and the visuals are impressive. The simulation parts also add a unique and interactive element to the game.


  • Max: The protagonist of the game. He is a young man who receives a letter from Aya, a girl he met 15 years ago. In the letter, Aya tells Max that she is in trouble and needs his help. Max travels to Aya’s hometown of Matsue, Shimane to find her, but she has mysteriously vanished. Max must then investigate Aya’s disappearance by interrogating the people who knew her and reliving his past interactions with her.
  • Aya: A girl who mysteriously vanished after sending a letter to Max. Max and Aya met 15 years ago, and they exchanged letters for a while. However, Aya suddenly stopped writing to Max, and he has not heard from her since.
  • Yuka Kawai: A police officer who is investigating Aya’s disappearance. She is a childhood friend of Aya’s, and she is determined to find out what happened to her.
  • Fumio Takano: A doctor who knew Aya. He is a kind and caring man, and he is willing to help Max in his investigation.
  • Shun
  • Shoko


The gameplay of Root Letter is split into two distinct parts: the adventure part and the simulation part.

In the adventure part, Max explores Matsue and talks to the people who knew Aya. He can ask them questions about Aya and her disappearance, and he can also investigate different locations in the town. The adventure part is played from a third-person perspective, and Max can move around the town by clicking on different locations on the map.

In the simulation part, Max relives his past interactions with Aya. These interactions are presented in a visual novel format, and Max can make choices that will affect the outcome of the story. The simulation parts are played from a first-person perspective, and Max can interact with Aya and the other characters by clicking on different dialogue options.

The player’s choices in the simulation parts can affect the outcome of the story. For example, if Max chooses to be kind to Aya, she will be more likely to open up to him. However, if Max chooses to be rude to Aya, she will be more likely to shut down.

The player must carefully consider their choices in the simulation parts, as they will ultimately determine the outcome of the story.


Root Letter is set in the town of Matsue, Shimane. Matsue is a small town located in the western part of Japan. The town is home to a number of historical sites, including Matsue Castle and the Matsue Vogel Park.

The game’s setting is very important to the story. The town of Matsue is a close-knit community, and everyone knows everyone else. This makes it difficult for Aya to disappear without anyone noticing. The town’s history also plays a role in the story, as some of the events that happened in the past have a direct impact on the present.


Root Letter explores a number of themes, including:

The power of memory: The game’s story is driven by Max’s memories of Aya. Max must rely on his memories to find out what happened to Aya, and he must also confront the ways in which his memories have changed over time. The importance of friendship: The game’s characters are all connected to each other in some way, and their relationships play a major role in the story. Max must learn to trust his friends and rely on them for help in his investigation. The nature of truth: The game’s story is full of twists and turns, and the player is never quite sure what is true and what is not. Max must carefully consider the evidence and the testimony of the people he meets in order to determine the truth about Aya’s disappearance.


Root Letter is a well-written and engaging visual novel with a gripping mystery. The game’s characters are well-developed and relatable, and the story is full of twists and turns. The game’s visuals are also very impressive, with detailed backgrounds and character sprites. The simulation parts also add a unique and interactive element to the game.

Overall, Root Letter is an excellent visual novel that is sure to please fans of the genre. The game’s story is engaging, the characters are well-developed, and the visuals are impressive. The simulation parts also add a unique and interactive element to the game.

Review Score



Cover Art


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