Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol (2016)

by Ji-yeong
6 minutes read


Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol (2016)


Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol is a 2D side-scrolling action-adventure game developed and published by independent studio Old Moon. It is the fourth installment in the Space Pilgrim series, and was released for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux in 2016.

The game follows the story of Gail Pilgrim, a young woman who has been imprisoned in the most secure prison in the galaxy. With little hope of escape, Gail must rely on her wits and the help of her friends to survive.


Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol is a side-scrolling action-adventure game with a focus on exploration and puzzle-solving. Players control Gail Pilgrim as she traverses a variety of environments, including prison cells, space stations, and alien planets.

Gail is equipped with a variety of weapons and gadgets that she can use to defeat enemies and solve puzzles. She can also use her hacking skills to disable security systems and open locked doors.

The game features a variety of puzzles, ranging from simple environmental puzzles to complex logic puzzles. Players must use their wits and observation skills to solve these puzzles in order to progress through the game.


Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol takes place shortly after the events of Space Pilgrim Episode III: The Nexus. Gail Pilgrim has been captured by the Galactic Federation and imprisoned in the Solarium, the most secure prison in the galaxy.

Gail is determined to escape from prison and clear her name. However, she quickly realizes that she cannot do it alone. She must rely on the help of her friends, including Jaxon, a fellow inmate who is a skilled hacker, and Anya, a prison guard who has become disillusioned with the Galactic Federation.

Together, Gail and her friends must overcome a variety of challenges in order to escape from prison and prove Gail’s innocence.


  • Gail Pilgrim: The protagonist of the game. Gail is a young woman who has been imprisoned in the Solarium for a crime she did not commit. She is determined to escape from prison and clear her name.
  • Jaxon: A fellow inmate who is a skilled hacker. Jaxon helps Gail to escape from prison and provides her with valuable technical support.
  • Anya: A prison guard who has become disillusioned with the Galactic Federation. Anya helps Gail and Jaxon to escape from prison and provides them with valuable information.


Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol was developed by a small team of independent developers at Old Moon. The game was funded through a successful Kickstarter campaign.

The game’s development was inspired by a variety of classic side-scrolling action-adventure games, such as Metroid and Castlevania. The developers also wanted to create a game with a strong female protagonist and a focus on exploration and puzzle-solving.

Release and Reception

Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol was released for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux in 2016. The game received positive reviews from critics, who praised its engaging gameplay, well-written story, and beautiful pixel art.

The game was also a commercial success, selling over 100,000 copies worldwide.


Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol is considered to be one of the best indie games of 2016. The game has been praised for its innovative gameplay, engaging story, and beautiful pixel art.

The game has also been credited with helping to revive the side-scrolling action-adventure genre. Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol is a must-play for fans of classic Metroidvania games and anyone who enjoys a good adventure story.

Review Score



Cover Art


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