Spacewar! (1977)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Spacewar! (1977): The Granddaddy of Video Games

Spacewar! is one of the earliest digital computer video games. It is a two-player game, with each player taking control of a starship and attempting to destroy the other. A star in the center of the screen pulls on both ships and requires maneuvering to avoid falling into it.

Spacewar! was developed in 1962 by Steve Russell, Martin Graetz, and Wayne Wiitanen at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It was inspired by the 1958 text-based game Spacewar, which was created by John McCarthy at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

Spacewar! was a groundbreaking game for its time. It was the first game to use a graphical display, and it was one of the first games to allow two players to compete against each other. Spacewar! was also one of the first games to be ported to multiple platforms, including the PDP-1, PDP-10, and PDP-11 computers.

In 1971, Spacewar! was unofficially ported into a coin-operated PDP-11 machine and renamed Galaxy Game. As an arcade machine it was installed at the Tresidder Union at Stanford University in September, 1971, two months before the official release of Computer Space, the first mass-produced video game. Only one unit was built initially, although the game later included several consoles allowing users to play against each other.

Spacewar! was a popular game in the early days of video gaming. It was played by students and researchers at MIT and other universities, and it was also ported to home computers such as the Altair 8800 and the TRS-80.

Spacewar! is still played today by retro gaming enthusiasts. It is a simple game by today’s standards, but it is still a lot of fun to play. Spacewar! is a reminder of the early days of video gaming, and it is a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of the early pioneers of the industry.


Spacewar! is a two-player game. Each player controls a spaceship that is armed with a laser cannon. The goal of the game is to destroy the other player’s spaceship.

The spaceships are controlled using a joystick. The left and right buttons control the ship’s rotation, and the up and down buttons control the ship’s thrust. The laser cannon is fired by pressing the fire button.

The spaceships move around a star field. The star in the center of the screen is a gravity well. If a spaceship gets too close to the star, it will be pulled in and destroyed.


Spacewar! was developed by Steve Russell, Martin Graetz, and Wayne Wiitanen at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The game was inspired by the 1958 text-based game Spacewar, which was created by John McCarthy at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

Spacewar! was written in assembly language for the PDP-1 computer. The game was originally developed on a PDP-1 with a 9-inch oscilloscope display. The game was later ported to the PDP-10 and PDP-11 computers, which had larger displays.


Spacewar! was a groundbreaking game for its time. It was the first game to use a graphical display, and it was one of the first games to allow two players to compete against each other. Spacewar! was also one of the first games to be ported to multiple platforms.

Spacewar! had a major impact on the development of video games. It inspired the creation of many other early video games, such as Pong and Asteroids. Spacewar! also helped to popularize the use of joysticks for controlling video games.

Spacewar! is still played today by retro gaming enthusiasts. It is a simple game by today’s standards, but it is still a lot of fun to play. Spacewar! is a reminder of the early days of video gaming, and it is a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of the early pioneers of the industry.


Spacewar! is one of the most important video games in history. It was one of the first video games to be developed, and it helped to popularize the use of video games for entertainment. Spacewar! is still played today by retro gaming enthusiasts, and it is a reminder of the early days of video gaming.

Spacewar! has been honored in a number of ways. In 2007, the game was inducted into the World Video Game Hall of Fame. In 2012, the game was added to the National

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