Spark Rising (2014)

by Nish
5 minutes read


Spark Rising: A FPS Where You Conquer Worlds and Fight Back Against a Mad God

Spark Rising is a first-person shooter (FPS) video game developed by Red Barrels and published by Microsoft Studios. It was released on Xbox One and Windows in 2014. The game is set in a science fiction universe where you play as a Spark Bot, a powerful robot created by the mad god, Deus. Deus has torn the galaxy asunder, and it’s up to you to stop him and save reality.

You’ll conquer worlds, fight back against Deus’s forces, and plunder rare crystals and loot to build up enough power to fight back. Along the way, you’ll meet a cast of colorful characters, including other Spark Bots, humans, and aliens. You’ll also learn more about the history of the galaxy and the origins of Deus.

Spark Rising is a challenging and rewarding FPS with a unique setting and story. The game’s combat is fast-paced and exciting, and the loot system is deep and rewarding. If you’re a fan of FPS games, then you should definitely check out Spark Rising.


Spark Rising is a first-person shooter with a focus on exploration and loot. You’ll travel to different worlds, each with its own unique environment and enemies. You’ll fight your way through hordes of Deus’s forces, using a variety of weapons and abilities.

As you progress through the game, you’ll level up and gain new abilities. You’ll also be able to find and equip new weapons and armor. The loot system in Spark Rising is deep and rewarding, and you’ll always be on the lookout for better gear.

In addition to the main story campaign, Spark Rising also features a number of side missions and challenges. These side missions can be completed to earn experience points, loot, and other rewards.


Spark Rising is set in a science fiction universe where the mad god, Deus, has torn the galaxy asunder. Deus is a powerful being who can control reality itself. He has used his power to create a twisted and chaotic world, where the laws of physics and nature no longer apply.

You play as a Spark Bot, a powerful robot created by Deus. Deus created the Spark Bots to be his servants, but you have betrayed him and joined the rebellion. You are now fighting to stop Deus and save reality.


You’ll meet a cast of colorful characters in Spark Rising, including other Spark Bots, humans, and aliens. Each character has their own unique story and motivations, and they’ll all play a role in your quest to stop Deus.

Some of the characters you’ll meet include:

  • Ada: A human woman who is a member of the rebellion. She is a skilled fighter and a brilliant strategist.
  • Rex: A Spark Bot who is a close friend and ally. He is a powerful warrior and a loyal companion.
  • Athena: An alien woman who is a member of the rebellion. She is a gifted scientist and a skilled engineer.
  • Deus: The mad god who is the main antagonist of the game. He is a powerful being who can control reality itself.


The story of Spark Rising is a complex and epic tale of betrayal, redemption, and hope. You’ll play as a Spark Bot who must betray your master to save reality from being twisted all to hell. Along the way, you’ll meet a cast of colorful characters, learn more about the history of the galaxy, and face your own inner demons.

The story of Spark Rising is told through a series of cutscenes and in-game dialogue. The cutscenes are beautifully rendered and the voice acting is top-notch. The in-game dialogue is also well-written and engaging.

Graphics and Sound

Spark Rising is a beautiful game with stunning graphics. The game’s environments are detailed and immersive, and the character models are top-notch. The game’s art style is unique and eye-catching, and it helps to create a truly memorable experience.

The sound design in Spark Rising is also excellent. The game’s soundtrack is composed of a mix of electronic and orchestral music, and it perfectly captures the game’s atmosphere. The sound effects are also top-notch, and they help to bring the game’s world to life.


Spark Rising is a challenging and rewarding FPS with a unique setting and story. The game’s combat is fast-paced and exciting, the loot system is deep and rewarding, and the graphics and sound are top-notch. If you’re a fan of FPS games, then you should definitely check out Spark Rising.

Review Score


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