Starglider 2 (1988)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Starglider 2: A Classic Sci-Fi Flight Simulator and Space Combat Game

Released in 1988, Starglider 2 is a sci-fi flight simulator and space combat game that was developed and published by Atari Games. It is the sequel to the 1986 game Starglider, and it was released for the Atari ST, Amiga, and MS-DOS.

Starglider 2 is set in the year 2620, and the player takes on the role of a starfighter pilot who must defend the galaxy from an alien invasion. The game features a variety of missions, including escort missions, bombing missions, and search and destroy missions. The player can choose from a variety of starfighters, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses.

One of the most impressive things about Starglider 2 is its graphics. The game uses a 3D engine to create a realistic and immersive space environment. The starfighters are beautifully detailed, and the explosions and other effects are very impressive.

The gameplay in Starglider 2 is also very good. The flight controls are responsive and the combat is exciting and challenging. The game also features a variety of different enemies, each with its own unique attack patterns.

Starglider 2 was a critical and commercial success. It was praised for its graphics, gameplay, and challenge. The game was also ported to a number of other platforms, including the Sega Genesis and the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.


Starglider 2 is a space combat game in which the player takes control of a starfighter and must complete a variety of missions. The missions include escort missions, bombing missions, and search and destroy missions. The player can choose from a variety of starfighters, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses.

The starfighters in Starglider 2 are armed with a variety of weapons, including lasers, missiles, and bombs. The player can also use a variety of defensive maneuvers, such as chaff and flares.

The combat in Starglider 2 is fast-paced and exciting. The player must constantly be aware of their surroundings and must be able to react quickly to enemy attacks. The game also features a variety of different enemies, each with its own unique attack patterns.


Starglider 2 is one of the most visually impressive games of its era. The game uses a 3D engine to create a realistic and immersive space environment. The starfighters are beautifully detailed, and the explosions and other effects are very impressive.

The game’s graphics were praised by critics, and they still hold up today. Starglider 2 is a visually stunning game that is a pleasure to play.


The sound in Starglider 2 is also very good. The game’s soundtrack is composed of a variety of electronic and orchestral pieces that help to create a sense of atmosphere and excitement. The sound effects are also very good, and they help to bring the game’s world to life.


Starglider 2 is a challenging game. The missions are difficult, and the enemies are tough. The player must be skilled in both flying and combat in order to succeed.

The game’s challenge was praised by critics, and it is one of the things that makes it so replayable. Starglider 2 is a game that will keep players coming back for more.


Starglider 2 is a classic sci-fi flight simulator and space combat game. It features beautiful graphics, exciting gameplay, and a challenging difficulty. The game is a must-play for fans of the genre.

Starglider 2 Trivia

  • Starglider 2 was one of the first games to use a 3D engine.
  • The game’s soundtrack was composed by Chris Huelsbeck, who also composed the soundtracks for the Turrican games.
  • Starglider 2 was ported to a number of other platforms, including the Sega Genesis and the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
  • The game was a critical and commercial success, and it is still considered to be one of the best space combat games ever made.

Review Score


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