Stay Dead (2012)

by Christopher
4 minutes read


Stay Dead: The Dawn of Motion Picture Games

Stay Dead (2012) is a groundbreaking video game that seamlessly blends the cinematic experience with interactive gameplay. Developed byきたいと思います and published by Square Enix, Stay Dead is the first game in a new generation of video games known as “Motion Picture Games.”

Motion picture games are the union of movies and video games. They combine the stunning sound and graphic quality of a movie with the interactivity of a next-generation video game, creating a unique and immersive gaming experience.


Stay Dead is a third-person action game set in a gritty and post-apocalyptic world. Players take control of Jack, a former soldier who must fight his way through hordes of zombies and other enemies to rescue his kidnapped daughter.

The game features a variety of weapons and combat mechanics, including hand-to-hand combat, firearms, and explosives. Players must use their wits and skills to survive in a world where every corner could be their last.


The story of Stay Dead is told through a series of cutscenes that are seamlessly integrated into the gameplay. The cutscenes are directed by renowned filmmaker Timur Bekmambetov, and they feature a cast of Hollywood actors, including Milo Ventimiglia, Olivia Wilde, and Aidan Gillen.

The story is a gripping tale of survival and redemption. Jack is a flawed character, but he is also a determined and loving father. Players will root for Jack as he fights his way through the zombie hordes to save his daughter.

Graphics and Sound

Stay Dead is one of the most visually stunning games ever made. The graphics are incredibly detailed and realistic, and the game’s world is brought to life with stunning lighting and effects.

The sound design is also top-notch. The game’s soundtrack is a mix of ambient and electronic music, and it perfectly complements the game’s atmosphere.


Stay Dead was met with critical acclaim upon its release. Critics praised the game’s innovative gameplay, stunning graphics, and gripping story. The game was also a commercial success, selling over 2 million copies worldwide.


Stay Dead is a landmark game in the history of video games. It is the first game to successfully blend the cinematic experience with interactive gameplay. The game’s success has paved the way for a new generation of video games that are more immersive and engaging than ever before.


Stay Dead is a must-play game for fans of both movies and games. It is a groundbreaking game that offers a unique and unforgettable gaming experience.

Additional Information

  • Stay Dead was developed by a team of over 200 people.
  • The game’s budget was over $50 million.
  • Stay Dead was released on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.
  • The game received a sequel, Stay Dead 2, in 2014.

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MotionPictureGame #StayDead #NextGenGaming

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