The Kristal (1989)

by Nish
4 minutes read


The Kristal (1989): An Action-Adventure Masterpiece


In the annals of gaming history, there are certain titles that stand out as true gems, captivating players with their immersive worlds, engaging gameplay, and timeless appeal. The Kristal, released in 1989 for the Commodore 64 and Amiga, is one such game. Based on the classic play “The Kristal of Konos” by M.A. Foster, The Kristal is an action-adventure masterpiece that transports players to a realm of mystery, danger, and wonder.


The Kristal tells the tale of young Rynn, a villager chosen by the Oracle to embark on a perilous quest to find the legendary Kristal of Konos. The Kristal is said to possess immense power, capable of both great good and great evil. Rynn’s mission is to prevent the evil sorcerer Mordak from obtaining the Kristal and using its power for his own nefarious purposes.


The Kristal is an action-adventure game that combines exploration, puzzle-solving, and combat. Players control Rynn as he travels across a vast and varied world, from lush forests to treacherous dungeons. Along the way, Rynn must solve puzzles, fight enemies, and interact with a cast of colorful characters.

One of the most unique aspects of The Kristal is its “action icon” system. Players can assign different actions to the function keys on their keyboard, allowing them to quickly and easily perform actions such as attacking, jumping, and using items. This system makes the gameplay fast-paced and intuitive.


The world of The Kristal is a rich and detailed tapestry, filled with diverse locations, hidden secrets, and intriguing characters. Players will explore forests, caves, swamps, and castles, each with its own unique atmosphere and challenges. Along the way, they will encounter a variety of NPCs, from friendly villagers to hostile monsters.

Graphics and Sound

For its time, The Kristal featured impressive graphics and sound. The Commodore 64 version used a combination of bitmap and vector graphics to create a colorful and detailed world. The Amiga version boasted even more impressive graphics, with 32 colors and smooth scrolling. The game’s soundtrack is also noteworthy, featuring a mix of atmospheric melodies and catchy tunes.


The Kristal was a critical and commercial success upon its release, and it has since become a cult classic among retro gaming enthusiasts. The game’s innovative gameplay, immersive world, and memorable characters have left a lasting impression on gamers. The Kristal has been praised for its originality, challenge, and timeless appeal.


The Kristal is a true masterpiece of the action-adventure genre. Its immersive world, engaging gameplay, and memorable characters have captivated gamers for decades. Whether you’re a fan of retro gaming or simply appreciate great storytelling, The Kristal is a game that deserves to be experienced. So grab your joystick, prepare for adventure, and discover the legend of The Kristal.

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