Third Reich

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Third Reich: A Grand Strategy Masterpiece

Third Reich is a turn-based grand strategy game developed by Strategic Simulations, Inc. and released in 1992. It is an adaptation of the famous boardgame of World War II Grand Strategy, and allows players to take control of either the Axis or the Allies in a fight for global domination.

The game is set on a map of Europe, divided into provinces. Each province has a certain number of victory points, and the goal of the game is to control provinces worth a total of 100 victory points. Players can control provinces by moving their units into them and defeating any enemy units that are present.

Units in Third Reich represent armies, navies, and air forces. Each unit has a certain number of strength points, and can attack and defend against enemy units. Units can also be combined into larger formations, such as army groups or fleets.

The game also includes a number of historical events that can occur during the course of the game. These events can have a significant impact on the game, and players must be prepared to adapt their strategies accordingly.

Third Reich is a complex and challenging game, but it is also one of the most rewarding. It is a must-play for any fan of grand strategy games or World War II history.


Third Reich is played on a turn-based system. Each turn, players can move their units, attack enemy units, and build new units. Players can also issue orders to their units, such as telling them to attack a specific province or defend a specific position.

The game includes a number of different unit types, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Infantry units are good for defending positions, while armor units are good for attacking. Air units can be used to attack enemy units from a distance, while naval units can be used to transport troops and attack enemy ships.

The game also includes a number of different historical events that can occur during the course of the game. These events can have a significant impact on the game, and players must be prepared to adapt their strategies accordingly. For example, the outbreak of the war in the Pacific can lead to Japan attacking Allied forces in Southeast Asia, while the invasion of the Soviet Union can lead to a massive counteroffensive by the Red Army.


Diplomacy is an important part of Third Reich. Players can form alliances with other players, and can also declare war on other players. Alliances can be used to share resources, coordinate attacks, and defend against common enemies.

Diplomacy can be a complex and challenging aspect of the game, but it can also be very rewarding. A well-negotiated alliance can give players a significant advantage over their opponents.

Historical Accuracy

Third Reich is a historically accurate game. The game map is based on the actual map of Europe during World War II, and the units and events in the game are all based on real-world counterparts.

The game also includes a number of historical scenarios that allow players to replay some of the most famous battles of World War II. These scenarios are a great way to learn about the history of the war, and they can also be a lot of fun to play.


Third Reich is considered to be one of the greatest grand strategy games ever made. It is a complex and challenging game, but it is also one of the most rewarding. The game has been praised for its historical accuracy, its strategic depth, and its replayability.

Third Reich has been ported to a number of different platforms, including the PC, the Mac, and the Amiga. It is also available on a number of online gaming services.

The game has also been the inspiration for a number of other grand strategy games, including Europa Universalis and Hearts of Iron.


Third Reich is a masterpiece of grand strategy gaming. It is a complex and challenging game, but it is also one of the most rewarding. The game is a must-play for any fan of grand strategy games or World War II history.

Review Score


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