Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Phantoms (2014)

by Ji-yeong
5 minutes read


Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Phantoms: A Comprehensive Review

Released in 2014, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Phantoms is a free-to-play, third-person tactical shooter game developed by Ubisoft Paris and Red Storm Entertainment. The game is set in a near-future world where players take on the role of Ghosts, elite special forces operatives, tasked with completing various missions and objectives.


Ghost Recon Phantoms offers a variety of gameplay modes, including cooperative missions, player-versus-player (PvP) matches, and a unique “Breach and Clear” mode that pits players against AI-controlled enemies in a series of increasingly difficult scenarios.

In cooperative missions, players team up with up to three other players to complete objectives such as rescuing hostages, eliminating high-value targets, and securing sensitive information. Players can choose from a variety of classes, each with its own unique abilities and weapons.

PvP matches are more traditional, with players competing against each other in team deathmatch, domination, and capture the flag modes. Players can also create their own custom matches with their own rules and settings.

The “Breach and Clear” mode is a unique blend of cooperative and competitive gameplay. Players team up to clear a series of rooms filled with AI-controlled enemies. The goal is to complete the mission as quickly and efficiently as possible, while also earning points for kills and completing objectives.


There are four classes available in Ghost Recon Phantoms:

  • Assault: The Assault class is the all-arounder class, with a good balance of health, damage, and mobility. Assault class Ghosts are equipped with assault rifles, shotguns, and SMGs.
  • Recon: The Recon class is the sniper class, with a focus on long-range combat. Recon class Ghosts are equipped with sniper rifles, DMRs, and pistols.
  • Support: The Support class is the medic class, with a focus on healing and supporting teammates. Support class Ghosts are equipped with SMGs, shotguns, and medkits.
  • Engineer: The Engineer class is the explosives expert class, with a focus on destroying enemy equipment and fortifications. Engineer class Ghosts are equipped with assault rifles, SMGs, and C4.

Each class has its own unique set of abilities and weapons, so players can choose the class that best suits their playstyle.


Ghost Recon Phantoms offers a deep level of customization, allowing players to tailor their Ghosts to their own preferences. Players can customize their Ghost’s appearance, weapons, and gear.

Players can also create their own custom loadouts, which can be used in any game mode. Loadouts allow players to save their favorite weapons, gear, and abilities, so they can quickly switch between different setups.


Ghost Recon Phantoms features a robust progression system that rewards players for completing missions, winning matches, and leveling up. As players level up, they will earn new weapons, gear, and abilities.

Players can also earn experience points (XP) by completing challenges. Challenges are short-term objectives that can be completed during missions or matches. Completing challenges will earn players XP, as well as cosmetic rewards such as weapon skins and character customization items.


Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Phantoms is a solid tactical shooter with a variety of gameplay modes, classes, and customization options. The game is free to play, so it’s a great option for players who are looking for a fun and challenging online shooter experience.

Score: 7.5/10

Review Score



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