UnReal World (1992)

by Ji-yeong
6 minutes read


UnReal World: A Masterpiece of Roguelike Survival Simulation

Released in 1992, UnReal World is a unique and groundbreaking game that combines roguelike roleplaying with survival simulation in a detailed and immersive iron-age world. Over the years, UnReal World has been praised by critics and players alike for its depth, realism, and atmosphere.


UnReal World is a completely open-ended game, and players are free to choose their own path. You can live off the land as a fisherman, a hermit, or a hunter. You can become a brave adventurer, a rough trapper, or a skilled tradesman. Or you can simply explore the vast and beautiful world, interacting with the different cultures and learning about their ways of life.

No matter what you choose to do, survival is always a challenge in UnReal World. The game’s world is harsh and unforgiving, and players must carefully manage their resources and make wise decisions in order to stay alive.


The world of UnReal World is randomly generated and procedurally populated, which means that every game is unique. The world is vast and detailed, with forests, mires, mountains, and watercourses to explore. Players can live off the land, hunting animals, fishing, and gathering berries. They can also build shelters, craft items, and trade with the villagers.

The game’s world is also home to a variety of different cultures, each with its own unique customs and traditions. Players can interact with these cultures in a variety of ways, learning about their languages, trading with them, and even forming alliances.


Players create their own character in UnReal World, choosing their culture, gender, and skills. Each character has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and players must carefully consider their choices when creating their character.

Characters in UnReal World are not simply statistics on a screen. They are living, breathing people with their own needs and desires. They can get hungry, tired, and sick. They can also learn new skills and improve their abilities over time.


Survival is a constant challenge in UnReal World. Players must carefully manage their resources and make wise decisions in order to stay alive.

One of the most important things to consider is food. Players can hunt animals, fish, and gather berries to eat. They can also trade with the villagers for food. However, food is scarce in the winter, so players must be sure to stock up on supplies before the cold weather hits.

Another important factor to consider is shelter. Players can build temporary shelters or log cottages to protect themselves from the elements. However, building a shelter requires time and resources, so players must be careful not to get caught out in the open during a storm.


Combat in UnReal World is realistic and unforgiving. Players can use a variety of weapons, including bows, spears, and axes. However, combat is always dangerous, and players must be careful not to get themselves killed.

If a player’s character dies, the game is over. However, players can continue playing by creating a new character.


UnReal World is a truly unique and groundbreaking game. It has been praised by critics and players alike for its depth, realism, and atmosphere. UnReal World is a must-play for fans of roguelike games, survival games, and open-world games.


UnReal World is a masterpiece of roguelike survival simulation. It is a game that is both challenging and rewarding, and it offers players a truly immersive and unforgettable experience. If you are looking for a game that will challenge you, teach you about survival, and transport you to a different world, then UnReal World is the game for you.

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