Warrior of Rome (1991)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Warrior of Rome (1991): A Classic Strategy Game

Warrior of Rome is a turn-based strategy game developed by SSI and released in 1991. The game is set in the ancient Roman era, and players take on the role of a Roman general tasked with conquering new territories and defending the empire from its enemies.

The game is played on a hexagonal grid map, and players control a variety of units, including infantry, cavalry, and siege weapons. Each unit has its own strengths and weaknesses, and players must carefully consider how to use them in order to achieve victory.

The game’s objective is to conquer all of the territories on the map. To do this, players must defeat the enemy units that occupy each territory and capture the territory’s capital city. Players can also build new units and upgrade their existing units to make them more powerful.

Warrior of Rome features a variety of different missions, each with its own unique objectives. Some missions require players to defeat a certain number of enemy units, while others require them to capture a specific territory or escort a convoy of supplies to its destination.

The game also features a number of different difficulty levels, so players of all skill levels can enjoy the game. On the easier difficulty levels, the enemy AI is less aggressive and the player has more time to plan their moves. On the harder difficulty levels, the enemy AI is more aggressive and the player has less time to plan their moves.

Warrior of Rome was a critical and commercial success when it was first released. The game was praised for its innovative gameplay, challenging missions, and historical accuracy. The game has since been ported to a number of different platforms, and it remains popular with strategy game fans today.


Warrior of Rome is a turn-based strategy game played on a hexagonal grid map. Players control a variety of units, including infantry, cavalry, and siege weapons. Each unit has its own strengths and weaknesses, and players must carefully consider how to use them in order to achieve victory.

The game’s objective is to conquer all of the territories on the map. To do this, players must defeat the enemy units that occupy each territory and capture the territory’s capital city. Players can also build new units and upgrade their existing units to make them more powerful.

Warrior of Rome features a variety of different missions, each with its own unique objectives. Some missions require players to defeat a certain number of enemy units, while others require them to capture a specific territory or escort a convoy of supplies to its destination.

The game also features a number of different difficulty levels, so players of all skill levels can enjoy the game. On the easier difficulty levels, the enemy AI is less aggressive and the player has more time to plan their moves. On the harder difficulty levels, the enemy AI is more aggressive and the player has less time to plan their moves.


Warrior of Rome features a variety of different units, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Infantry units are good for defending territories and holding ground. Cavalry units are good for attacking enemy units and raiding enemy territory. Siege weapons are good for attacking enemy fortifications and cities.

Each unit has a number of different attributes, including attack strength, defense strength, movement range, and cost. Players must carefully consider the attributes of each unit when deciding how to use them in battle.


In addition to units, players can also build a variety of different buildings in Warrior of Rome. Buildings can provide a number of different benefits, such as increasing the production of new units, providing defensive bonuses, or generating income.

Some of the different types of buildings that players can build include:

  • Barracks: Barracks allow players to produce new infantry units.
  • Stables: Stables allow players to produce new cavalry units.
  • Workshops: Workshops allow players to produce new siege weapons.
  • Farms: Farms generate income for the player.
  • Walls: Walls can be built around cities to provide a defensive bonus.
  • Towers: Towers can be built to provide a ranged attack bonus.


In addition to conquering territories and building up their armies, players can also use diplomacy to achieve their goals in Warrior of Rome. Players can form alliances with other factions, trade resources with them, and even declare war on them.

Diplomacy can be a powerful tool for players who use it wisely. By forming alliances with other factions, players can gain access to new resources and territories. By trading resources with other factions, players can improve their economy and build up their armies. And by declaring war on other factions, players can eliminate their rivals and expand their empire.

Historical Accuracy

Warrior of Rome is known for its historical accuracy. The game’s map is based on the real-world map of the Roman Empire, and the game’s units and buildings are based on real-world Roman units and buildings.

The game also features a number of historical events, such as the Punic Wars and the Gallic Wars. Players can experience these events firsthand and learn more about Roman history while playing the game.

Review Score


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