WWF Raw (1994)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


WWF Raw (1994): The Genesis of Attitude

Released in 1994, WWF Raw was a groundbreaking wrestling game that laid the foundation for theAttitude Era, one of the most popular periods in WWE history. With its fast-paced gameplay, iconic roster, and innovative features, Raw was a critical and commercial success, and is still considered one of the best wrestling games ever made.


WWF Raw’s gameplay was a major departure from previous wrestling games. It was the first game to feature a fully 3D ring, allowing players to move freely around the ring and perform moves from any angle. The game also introduced a new grappling system that was more fluid and realistic than anything that had come before.

In addition to the standard wrestling moves, Raw also featured a number of over-the-top “superhuman” moves, such as Hulk Hogan’s leg drop from the top of the cage and Bret Hart’s Sharpshooter. These moves added an element of spectacle to the game and helped to make it more exciting to play.


WWF Raw featured a roster of 24 wrestlers, including some of the biggest stars of the era, such as Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and The Undertaker. Each wrestler had their own unique moveset and入場, and they all looked and moved realistically.

In addition to the main roster, Raw also featured a number of hidden characters, including Diesel, Razor Ramon, and Yokozuna. These characters could be unlocked by completing certain challenges, and they added even more depth to the game’s roster.


WWF Raw was packed with features that were new to wrestling games at the time. These features included:

  • A create-a-wrestler mode that allowed players to create their own custom wrestlers.
  • A championship mode that allowed players to compete for the WWF Championship.
  • A Royal Rumble mode that allowed players to compete in a 30-man over-the-top-rope battle royal.
  • A King of the Ring mode that allowed players to compete in a single-elimination tournament to crown the King of the Ring.

These features added a lot of replay value to the game and helped to keep players coming back for more.


WWF Raw was a major success, both critically and commercially. It was praised for its innovative gameplay, iconic roster, and豐富的功能. The game also helped to popularize the WWF and its stars, and it played a major role in the company’s rise to mainstream success.

Raw’s impact can still be felt today. The game’s fast-paced gameplay and over-the-top moves have become staples of the wrestling game genre. And many of the features that were introduced in Raw, such as the create-a-wrestler mode and the Royal Rumble mode, have become industry standards.


WWF Raw is considered one of the greatest wrestling games ever made. It was a groundbreaking game that set new standards for the genre. And it played a major role in the popularization of the WWF and its stars.

Today, Raw is still fondly remembered by fans of wrestling games. It is a classic game that still holds up today, and it is a must-play for any fan of the genre.

Personal Memories

I remember playing WWF Raw for the first time when I was a kid, and I was blown away. I had never played a wrestling game that was so fast-paced and exciting. I loved being able to move freely around the ring and perform moves from any angle. And I thought the roster of wrestlers was amazing.

I spent countless hours playing Raw with my friends. We would create our own wrestlers and compete in tournaments to see who was the best. We would also just play exhibition matches and try to outdo each other with our moves.

Raw was more than just a game to me. It was a way to connect with my friends and share my love of wrestling. It was also a way to escape from the everyday world and enter a world of larger-than-life characters and over-the-top action.

I still play Raw today, and I still enjoy it as much as I did when I was a kid. It’s a classic game that never gets old.

Review Score


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