Black Tiger (1987)

by Ji-yeong
5 minutes read


Black Tiger (1987): A Sprawling Sword-and-Sorcery Adventure

Released in arcades in 1987, Black Tiger is a side-scrolling action game that captivated players with its vibrant visuals, challenging gameplay, and memorable soundtrack. Developed by Capcom, the game cast players as a lone barbarian warrior on a quest to rescue the kidnapped Princess Elara from the evil sorcerer Gara.


Black Tiger’s gameplay is characterized by its fast-paced combat, intricate level design, and emphasis on exploration. Players control the titular Black Tiger, a muscular barbarian armed with a sword and a variety of magical spells. The game unfolds across eight sprawling levels, each filled with hordes of enemies, hidden bonuses, and deadly traps.

Black Tiger’s combat system is simple yet satisfying. The player can attack with a basic sword swing or unleash powerful magical spells. Each spell consumes a portion of the player’s mana, which can be replenished by collecting mana potions or defeating enemies.

The game’s level design is both expansive and intricate. Each level is packed with hidden passages, secret rooms, and destructible walls. Players are rewarded for exploring every nook and cranny, as they may uncover hidden treasure chests, power-ups, and even new weapons.

Exploration and Discovery

Black Tiger places a strong emphasis on exploration and discovery. The game’s levels are filled with hidden bonuses, such as Zenny coins, which can be used to purchase upgrades and items from in-game shops. Players can also find special items that reveal hidden coins, grant temporary invincibility, or even provide extra lives.

The game’s sprawling levels encourage players to experiment with different paths and strategies. By exploring every corner of each level, players can uncover new secrets and gain an advantage over the game’s challenging bosses.

Visuals and Sound

Black Tiger’s visuals are a testament to the technical prowess of Capcom’s arcade hardware. The game’s colorful sprites, detailed backgrounds, and fluid animations create a vibrant and immersive world. The game’s soundtrack is equally impressive, featuring a mix of catchy tunes and pulse-pounding action themes.

Legacy and Impact

Black Tiger was a critical and commercial success upon its release in arcades. The game’s innovative gameplay, stunning visuals, and memorable soundtrack left a lasting impression on players. Black Tiger has since been ported to a variety of home platforms, including the NES, Sega Genesis, and PlayStation 2.

The game’s legacy can be seen in numerous subsequent action games. Its emphasis on exploration and discovery influenced the design of later side-scrolling classics such as Metroid and Castlevania. Black Tiger’s fast-paced combat and challenging difficulty also laid the groundwork for the beat ’em up genre.


Black Tiger (1987) is a timeless arcade classic that continues to entertain and challenge players today. Its vibrant visuals, intricate level design, and satisfying combat make it a must-play for fans of action games and retro gaming enthusiasts alike. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the genre, Black Tiger is sure to provide hours of thrilling sword-and-sorcery adventure.

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