Dual Orb II (1994)

by Ji-yeong
5 minutes read


Dual Orb II: A Timeless Tale of Discovery and Adventure

Released in 1994 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Dual Orb II is a console-style RPG that captivated players with its engaging story, charming characters, and innovative combat system. Players take on the role of Aleth, a young man who accidentally gains possession of a precious artifact sought after by the Kardosa Empire. Along with his friend Lagnus, Prince of Garade, Aleth embarks on a journey that will lead to great discoveries about the ancient civilization, the destruction that occurred a thousand years ago, and their own true identities.

A Captivating Storyline

Dual Orb II’s story is a complex and engaging tale of friendship, betrayal, and the search for truth. The game begins in the small kingdom of Garade, where Aleth and Lagnus live a peaceful life. However, their world is turned upside down when Aleth accidentally gains possession of the Dual Orb, a powerful artifact that is sought after by the Kardosa Empire.

Aleth and Lagnus are forced to flee their home and embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of the Dual Orb and the ancient civilization that created it. Along the way, they meet a cast of memorable characters, including the wise old sage Meister and the mysterious warrior Asha. Together, they must overcome dangerous enemies and navigate treacherous dungeons in their quest for the truth.

Innovative Turn-Based Combat

Dual Orb II’s combat system is one of its most innovative features. Battles take place on an isometric grid, and players control a party of up to three characters. Each character has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and players must use strategy and teamwork to defeat their enemies.

One of the unique aspects of Dual Orb II’s combat system is the “tech” system. By spending money, players can upgrade their weapons to different levels, which unlocks new and more powerful attacks. This system adds a layer of depth and customization to the combat, allowing players to tailor their party to their own playstyle.

Charming Characters

One of the things that makes Dual Orb II so special is its cast of charming and memorable characters. Aleth is a kind and compassionate young man, while Lagnus is a brave and loyal prince. Together, they form a strong bond of friendship that is tested by the challenges they face.

The supporting cast of characters is equally well-developed. Meister is a wise old sage who provides guidance and support to Aleth and Lagnus, while Asha is a mysterious warrior with a troubled past. Each character has their own unique story and motivations, and players will find themselves invested in their fates.

Beautiful Pixel Art

Dual Orb II’s pixel art is some of the most beautiful and detailed on the SNES. The game’s world is rendered in a vibrant and colorful palette, and the character sprites are expressive and full of life. The game’s dungeons are particularly impressive, with their intricate designs and challenging puzzles.

A Timeless Classic

Nearly three decades after its release, Dual Orb II remains a timeless classic. Its engaging story, charming characters, and innovative combat system make it a must-play for fans of RPGs. Whether you’re a long-time fan or a newcomer to the series, Dual Orb II is a game that will surely capture your heart.

Tips for Playing Dual Orb II

  • Grind for levels: As with most RPGs, grinding for levels is essential to success in Dual Orb II. Make sure your party is always at a high enough level to take on the challenges you face.
  • Upgrade your weapons: The tech system is one of the most important aspects of Dual Orb II’s combat. Be sure to upgrade your weapons regularly to unlock new and more powerful attacks.
  • Use strategy in battle: Don’t just button-mash in Dual Orb II. Take your time to plan your attacks and use your characters’ strengths and weaknesses to your advantage.
  • Explore every nook and cranny: Dual Orb II’s world is filled with hidden secrets and treasures. Be sure to explore every nook and cranny to find everything the game has to offer.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help: If you’re stuck or need guidance, don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends, family, or online forums.

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